TI Ahmadiyya ‘B’ emerge champions of Subin Inter-Schools Quiz competition

TI Ahmadiyya ‘B’ has been adjudged champions of the Subin Inter-Schools Quiz competition.

The event was organised by the Subin Sub-Metro, under the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA), in partnership with the Kumasi Metropolitan Directorate towards improving the standard of education.

The participating schools included Adum Presbyterian Junior High School (JHS), Amankwatia JHS, Ahmadiyya JHS ‘B’, St. Paul’s JHS, St. Peter’s JHS, St. Cyprian JHS, Adventist JHS Amakom, and Station Basic School.

The four schools, which sailed through to the final, were St. Peter’s R/C, Adventist Amakom, Station Basic and TI Ahmadiyya JHS ‘B’, with the competing students.

They were tested in Science, Technical, English and Mathematics.

After four rounds of questions and answers, TI Ahmadiyya JHS ‘B’ emerged champions with 77 points, Station Basic as first runner up with 72 points, Adventist JHS Amakom as second runner up with 64 points, while St. Peter’s came fourth with 59 points.

The audience with the Mayor of Kumasi and officials of KMA at the event

TI Ahmadiyya JHS ‘B’ received GH¢2,000.00 with a certificate of participation, 200 exercise books and a plague, Station Basic School which became second received 200 exercise books, a certificate of participation, GH¢1,000.00, Adventist JHS Amakom also received GH¢1,000.00 with a certificate of participation and 200 hundred books, while St. Peter’s JHS received a certificate of participation and 200 exercise books.

Mr. Samuel Pyne, Chief Executive of the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly, commended the Sub-Metro and the Metro Directorate for the laudable initiative, and expressed his appreciation to the participating schools and teachers for their efforts to improve education.

He suggested that the initiative should be sustained and ensured that it improved at the next encounter.

The Mayor noted that the performance of the competing students had demonstrated that public schools remained competitive with other elite private schools in the country and beyond.

Mr. Adams Muhammed, Headmaster of TI Ahmadiyya JHS ‘B’, expressed his excitement at the victory of his institution, which, he said, was through adequate preparation, including the setting up of a committee towards the quiz.

The Headmaster disclosed that the commitment of the teachers and excellence in teaching guaranteed the feat by the students in the quiz.


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