ECG disconnects 310 customers in Tema

The Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) in the Tema Region has disconnected 310 defaulting customers from the national grid, Sakyiwaa Mensah, Public Relations Officer (PRO), told journalists.

The disconnections were done as part of the Company’s one-month nationwide revenue mobilisation programme, which began on March 20, this year, and is expected to end on April 20.

The 310 disconnected customers were part of a total of 2,344 who were visited within the first two weeks of the exercise, and they include individuals and small, medium and large scale enterprises.

Revenue mobilisation is usually part of the ECG’s operations and is handled by the Revenue Protection Unit of the company.

However, for this special exercise, Miss Sakyiwaa said the organisation rallied the management team and all back-end staff from the very top to the bottom, who do not usually deal with customers directly, to partake in this activity.

The members of the Board of Directors also joined in this exercise.

She said the Tema Regional General Manager for the ECG, Ing Ankomah Emmanuel, encouraged customers to “do well to pay up their bills to avoid debt and possible disconnection.”

He entreated customers not to make any payment whatsoever to any staff of the company on the field, as that was not part of this exercise. All customers are to make all cash payments at the ECG offices, and to make cheque payments at the banks.

Alternatively, payments can be made through the phone short code *226#. Ing Ankomah added that the exercise would continue, while hoping that more customers would work towards clearing their debts owed the ECG,” she advised.


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