Akufo-Addo Tells Journalists: Be Accurate & Ethical In Your Reportage

President Akufo-Addo has closed the African Media Convention (AMC) held in Accra last week, with the call on the media personnel to uphold high standards of accuracy in their reportage.

“Freedom of the Media is fundamental to the growth and development of any democratic society in Africa, with witness of transformative shift towards greater media freedom over the last few decades.

“However, this freedom is not merely about the ability to speak or write freely, but also about the power to inform, to imagine and to mobilise society”, he said.

The media convention drew over 2,000 media professionals, policymakers and scholars from across the continent.

This year’s theme: “Journalism in the face of the Environmental Crisis in Africa,” underscored the critical role of media in addressing environmental challenges.

President Akufo-Addo emphasised the importance of innovation and sustainability within the media landscape, noting that the intersection of these elements is crucial for the future of African journalism.

“The theme of this convention captures the essence of our times. Today, media stands at the crossroads of present challenges and opportunities.

“As we navigate the complexities of our evolving world, the media’s role becomes ever more significant, not just as a guardian of freedom but as a catalyst for sustainable development and innovation.”

Reflecting on Ghana’s democratic journey, the President highlighted the country’s commitment to upholding democratic principles, including freedom of expression.

He said this year marks the 31st anniversary of Ghana as a constitutional republic stressing that the years gone by has seen the media play an integral role as the fourth estate of the realm in keeping successive governments in check.

He recounted his personal contributions to media freedom, particularly the repeal of the criminal libel laws. “As Attorney General under President John Kufuor, I championed the repeal of the criminal libel laws on January 27, 2001.

That day remains a significant milestone in my career and in the history of Ghanaian media. It freed the media from unnecessary self-censorship, fostering a culture of critical and vibrant journalism.”

He praised the media’s role in enhancing public accountability and deepening democracy in Ghana.

He said through the enactment of the acts like the Right to Information Act in 2019, a task two successive governments failed to accomplish due to a lack of political will, is another milestone in our democratic journey.


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