2 British Drug Mules Busted @ KIA … 166.88kg of cocaine seized

The Narcotics Control Commission (NACOC) has reportedly busted a 166.88kg of substance suspected to be cocaine at the Kotoka International Airport (KIA). The suspected drug has a street value of $6,480,000.

The suspected cocaine were reportedly found in the luggage of two British nationals on Monday, June 10, 2024. They were in the process of boarding a British Airways flight bound for Gatwick, when they were busted.

The intercepted drugs, according to sources, were concealed in already checked-in luggage, which was made up of three bags per passenger, with each of the bags containing 24 parcels.

Both passengers have been arrested and are currently assisting with ongoing investigations.

A NACOC source commended the officers involved for their vigilance and professionalism, stating “This operation reflects our unwavering dedication to intercepting illegal drugs and bringing traffickers to justice. We will continue to work tirelessly to protect our nation from the dangers of narcotics.”

The successful interception at KIA was the result of collaborative intelligence gathering and operational planning among state security and intelligence agencies.

NACOC has urged the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities related to drug trafficking, while it continues to enhance its security measures at all entry points to prevent the infiltration of illicit substances into the country.

As investigations continue, NACOC has assured the public that all necessary measures are being taken to ensure the perpetrators are brought to justice and that Ghana remains a hostile environment for drug traffickers.


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