Yearly achievements under review

Achievements may not always be a public broadcast, something you do with all effort, skill and courage successfully is something worth celebrating. Humanity had a year full of opportunities, chances and possibilities, some incidents taught us a lesson, some promoted us, others tried to steal the joy of others and many caused us to fall yet you  stood up to fight. Individually analyze your year, how has the year been? Did you achieve any of the goals you courageously put down at the beginning of the year? What were your shortfalls? We are indeed running our own individual race in life but once we keep being lazy to embark on that race, we may never even begin thus achieving nothing each and every year. You can also count your success stories if you’d also put your mind to it. Achievements are not written on certain faces, they are worked for, with effort and zeal, what are you doing to work towards your achievements?

It is possible that the whole year might have been rough for you, you might have expected much yet the unexpected took the best part of you, such is life. You won’t always smile, you must cry sometimes, relearn some vital facts about life the hard way and keep moving on. Nobody is waiting for you, God has put down success stories for everyone but He wont come chasing you to achieve it, it is your choice. As humans we can’t do it on our own therefore we need strength from God to keep us going. We all can get lazy at times this is part of our human nature, however let’s learn from the ant who prepares ahead of time. Beloved let us consider the ants ways and be wise!

On a scale of 1-100 rate yourself and list down your personal achievements for the year. You may have done enough but you can achieve more, we can never complete our book of success until we keep succeeding without limit. You need to hit yourself hard on the head sometimes, don’t get over excited with the least thing you achieve, it’s not enough, encourage yourself to do more, success has no limits, keep going. There are people who will neither support anything you do, help you in achieving it, wishing you well nor pray for you, yet will condemn all you do. Wait not for the accolades of the masses nor the number of hands that clap for the number of things you have achieved, if heaven has smiled at you,its enough to keep going. Keep moving, keep achieving and don’t waste another year.

Welcome to the month of December where  the Festive season is here  again, a time to show love to family and friends and make merry, a lot of activities are scheduled by each individual towards the celebration of Christmas, the Christ in the word Christmas signifies or should remind us who we’re celebrating ‘Christ’, it’s a season to rejoice, tour, relax and have fun, for the whole year of God’s protection, here’s the time to celebrate God for preserving your life and celebrate the fact that you’re counted amongst the living to behold this festive season. Inasmuch as we’re celebrating, many of us get over excited and overreact, Enjoying the season doesn’t come with doing the uncalled for, it’s a day or two for the celebration, are you throwing away all your manners because of a few days of making merry? Manners though you developed must follow you wherever you go and in whatever you do, you may not know who’s watching from afar.

Act reasonably and responsibly in this season, roads are busy, people moving here and there therefore guard yourself, How cultured and well mannered you have been throughout the year must be seen even while you step out with family and friends to have fun, have fun with much caution, Caution here signifies that living carelessly in this season may leave you with regrets later, Why do something against God’s will and yours just because you were pressured by friends to do so because it’s Christmas? Don’t put yourself in your grave when God hasn’t yet called you to dine with him, leave peacefully on this earth preserving and safeguarding yourself for more of your God given task ahead, it’s Christmas, we should be rejoicing to the new year and not mourning into the new year

I pray that as we celebrate Christ in this season, we’ll remember on who’s merit were living this life and reverence He who has secured you up till this day, enjoy the season, and may every blessing our prayers prayed throughout the year be answered for you, If you haven’t smiled all year begin to smile because as you rejoice with others God as about to put beaming smiles all over your face also, Make Merry, share gifts across, visit the orphanage homes and show love to people there, the hospitals, prisons and places where people who hardly smile are and show great love to them, Your greater reward is in heaven, Tis the Season to rejoice.

Jaclyn Essien

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The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect The Chronicle’s stance.


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