Ways to Cope With Your Depression

Depression can drain your energy, leaving you feeling empty and fatigued. This can make it difficult to muster the strength or desire to get treatment. Small lifestyle changes may help you manage these feelings.

If a person feels sustained, intense feelings of sadness or loss of interest in activities, they may have clinical depression. People also refer to this condition as major depressive disorder.

But there are small steps you can take to help you gain more agency in your life and improve your sense of well-being.

Read on to learn how to incorporate these strategies in a way that makes sense for you.

1. Meet yourself where you are

Depression affects millions of people, including some in your life. You may not realize they face similar challenges, emotions, and obstacles.

Being open, accepting, and loving toward yourself and what you’re going through may help you navigate depression.

Every day with this disorder is different. It’s important to take your mental health seriously and accept that where you are right now isn’t where you’ll always be.

2. Consider a walk around the block

On days when you feel you can’t get out of bed, exercise may seem like the last thing you’d want to do. But exercise and physical activity can help reduce symptoms of depression and improve energy levels.

ResearchTrusted Source suggests that, for some people, exercise can be as effective as medication at relieving depression symptoms. It may also help preventTrusted Source future depressive episodes.

3. Know that today isn’t indicative of tomorrow

Internal emotions and thoughts can change from day to day. Tracking experiences through journaling or keeping a mood diary can help you to remember this.

If you were unsuccessful at getting out of bed or accomplishing goals today, remember that you haven’t lost tomorrow’s opportunity to try again.

Give yourself the grace to accept that while some days will be difficult, others will also be less difficult. Try to look forward to tomorrow’s fresh start.

4. Assess the parts instead of generalizing the whole

Depression can tinge recollections with difficult emotions. You may find yourself focusing on things that are unhelpful or perceived as difficult.

Try to stop this overgeneralization. Push yourself to recognize the good. If it helps, write down what was meaningful about the event or day. You can track what you achieved that day and which activities were enjoyable.

Seeing the weight you’re giving to one thing may help you direct your thoughts away from the whole and to the individual pieces that were helpful.

5. Do the opposite of what the ‘depression voice’ suggests

The automatic, unhelpful voice in your head may talk you out of self-help. But if you learn to recognize this voice, you can learn to work through it.

If you believe an event won’t be fun or worth your time, say to yourself, “You might be right, but it’ll be better than just sitting here another night.” You may soon see that automatic thought isn’t always helpful.

Depression is one of the most common mental health conditions: Learn more.

6. Set attainable goals

Instead of compiling a long list of tasks, consider setting small goals. Setting and accomplishing these goals can provide a sense of control and accomplishment and help with motivation.

7. Reward your efforts

All goals are worthy of recognition, and all successes are worthy of celebration. When you achieve a goal, do your best to recognize it.

You may not feel like celebrating with a cake and confetti, but recognizing your own successes can be a powerful tool for depression’s negative weight.

8. Do something you enjoy

Depression can push you to give in to your fatigue. It may feel more powerful than preferred emotions. Try to push back and do something you love — something that’s pleasurable or meaningful. It could be playing an instrument, painting, hiking, or biking.

Engaging in meaningful activities lifts your mood or energy, which can further motivate you to continue to engage in activities that help with navigating symptoms.

9. Listen to music

ResearchTrusted Source shows music can improve your mood and symptoms of depression. It may also strengthen your reception of positive emotions.

Music can be especially beneficial when performed in group settings, such as a musical ensemble or band.

You can also reap some of the same rewards simply by listening.

10. Spend time in nature

Time in nature can have a powerful influence on a person’s mood. Time in natural spaces may improve mood and cognition and lower the risk of mental health disorders. Consider taking a walk at lunch among the trees or spending time in your local park. Or plan a weekend hike. These activities can help you reconnect with nature and soak in some rays at the same time.

11. Spend time with loved ones

Depression can tempt you to isolate yourself and withdraw from people you love and trust, but face-to-face time can help wash away those tendencies.

If you’re unable to spend time together in person, phone calls or video chats can also be helpful.

Source: healthline.com


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