Reinforcing the use of zebra crossings for pedestrian safety

Zebra crossings are a common sight in many countries around the world. They provide a safe and designated route for pedestrians to cross busy roads. In Ghana, zebra crossings have been introduced in recent years as part of efforts to improve road safety and reduce accidents.

The first zebra crossing was installed in the capital city of Accra, and since then, they have become a common feature on many roads across the country. However, their effectiveness and usage have been a topic of debate among experts and the general public.

In recent years, there has been a renewed focus on improving pedestrian safety in Ghana, with the government, non-governmental organization and institutions launching campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of zebra crossings and other measures to protect pedestrians. Despite these efforts, however, pedestrian accidents remain a serious problem in Ghana, and there is still much work to be done to make roads safer for everyone.

Respect Zebra Crossing, a road safety campaign powered by Ghanaian blogger and philanthropist, Kobby Kyei, is an initiative that seeks to educate both pedestrians and drivers to respect and properly use zebra crossings to improve road safety and reduce accident and also focuses on the maintenance and restoration of faded zebra crossing lines in the country.

As a philanthropist and road safety advocate, Kobby Kyei is dedicated to improving pedestrian safety on the country’s busy roads. According to him, he has witnessed the firsthand dangers pedestrians encounter when crossing the road and on other occasions, has encountered many accidents and fatalities that could have been prevented if drivers and motorists had respect zebra crossings and given way to pedestrians.

The objective of the campaign is to educate the public about the purpose and significance of zebra crossing in ensuring road safety, encourage people to use zebra crossings properly following the rules and guidelines, and to reduce the number of accidents and injuries caused by the improper use of zebra crossing.

Determined to achieve the objectives of his campaign, Kobby Kyei, is actively involved in aiding pedestrians to cross the zebra crossing securely. Volunteering with local road safety organizations and community leaders to raise awareness about pedestrians’ safety.

Distributing flyers and posters as a means of public awareness on the proper ways of using zebra crossings and the importance of looking both sides of the road and waiting for vehicles to stop before stepping onto the crossing.

The campaign leverages on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to reach a wider audience with the hashtag #RepectZebraCrossings to raise awareness about the importance of zebra crossings and get other civil organizations and institutions involved in the campaign.

Kobby Kyei, is advocating for improved road safety measures. He is urging authorities to address the issue of faded zebra crossing lines and include speed ramps in the construction of both new and old roads, and urges citizens active participation in this campaign. Kyei believes that speed ramps will automatically slow down drivers, giving pedestrians more time to cross the road safely.

Additionally, he suggests placing flags at every vantage point where there is a zebra crossing so that pedestrians can use them to signal drivers to stop and allow them to cross the road ensuring the safety of citizens on the roads.

Road safety campaigns highlights the importance of being responsible and cautious while using the roads. Through education, awareness, and practical measures, we can significantly reduce the number of accidents and fatalities on our roads.

Let us all take an active role in promoting road safety and making our communities safer for everyone. Remember, a small effort from each of us can make a big difference in saving lives and preventing injuries.

By Kyei Angela Koranteng, GIJ Student

The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect The Chronicle’s stance.


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