Parliament and LGBTQ+ Debate, May the Lord Guide You

It was announced last week, that the much-awaited debate on LGBTQ+ on the floor of the House of Parliament will begin this week. I can imagine what is happening to Satan and his demons in the spiritual realm with this debate coming on.

Why am I beginning this opinion with Satan and his demons. It has to be so, because as things are going now, the darkness of evil is gradually overshadowing the world.

It will have take men and women gifted with the virtue of courage and fear of God to stand up and say “No,” to those who have surrendered their minds and souls to the evil forces.

In the mortal world, LGBTQ+ is being used as a weapon against Africa, even as many may not know.

Whenever God sets a purpose for man, Satan will make sure he finds ways to profane that purpose. God created man and He did so through Jesus Christ and by the Power of the Holy Spirit. Once creation of man was completed, God ordered a way in which mankind could multiply.

God then ordered a gift called sex, which is sacred and should be between only those joined together in marriage. And this marriage is the foundation of the family of which God is the Head.

When Satan came into the picture, sex was turned into a common event like consumption of drinks, whenever one felt like. Sex, is now free for all and at any age.

Then LGBTQ+ waded into the confusion and now a human being can look God in the face and say, “I am not what You created me to be, I am of the opposite sex.” All of God’s laws against LGBTQ+ are being bastardized.

Homosexuality (Lev. 18:22, 20:13), incest (18:7-18; 20:11-21), bestiality (Lev. 18:23; Deuteronomy 27:21) and transgender (Deuteronomy 22:5) are all sins against the Most High, yet in this day and age some people are accepting these as the right form of life.

Because the Sacred Scriptures frowns upon such unholy acts, today the banning of the Bible in schools has started in the United States. Today the Bible is said to be a book of violence.

The West is now keen on abandoning the Word of God and taken up the statutes of Satan and they want the world to go down with them.

We cannot defy the laws of the One Being who created us. Our common sins are enough, we should not add up to them.

Removing God from the minds of children, hence no Bible in the schools, then removing the family system by having two males as parents and two females as parents, is the only way to orientate the growing child into accepting LGBTQ+ as the normal way of life.

This is what our honourable members in the House of Parliament will debate from this week. Uganda has set the pace for the rest of Africa to follow. I pray for a successful section in Parliament, so that God is glorified.

Another reason for LGBTQ+ is to implement the depopulating agenda of Africa. When Covid-19 came, many were Westerners who saw the virus as a means of reducing the African population or even wiping it from the surface of the earth.

Fortunately, that did not happen and the total number of people who got affected by the virus, in the whole of Africa, were much lower than figures coming out from some individual Western nations like the US, Canada and few others.

Now the only way to achieve that diabolical agenda is to find ways of getting Black Africa to accept LGBTQ+.

One area which the West uses, is through IMF conditionalities. Since all of Black Africa economies are remote-controlled by the West, there are times when out of economic mismanagement or external crisis, African economies would get into ditches.

Here comes the IMF to ease the burden and this is done with conditionalities attached. One conditionality which cuts across, is either a ban on employment or a drastic cut down on it.

Without any option, such poor Black African nations will accept these terms. And for the period of the IMF programme, no youth is employed. These young men and women become desperate and here is when the LGBTQ+ propagators come in.

Engaging with these poor and desperate youth, any offer that will be beyond their dreams will make them do anything and that anything includes engaging in LGBTQ+ activities. Soon, these unemployed youth will be flaunting wealth and will not know tomorrow and there will be no turning back.

If the West are allowed to pollute the minds of Black African youths with this LGBTQ+ which comes with cash and material benefits, there will be a time when the Black African population will reduce and gradually be wiped out.

How long this programme will take, I do not know. But what I know is that, when majority of the people can no longer procreate, the wiping out of African Blacks will take a permanent course.

And soon, all of our side of this continent will be without the indigenes, and the Whites will recolonise our land, this time they will not meet a single soul to resist them.

Ghana Parliament has taken a good course and all Ghanaians must pray for the parliamentarians.

Hon. Daniel Dugan

The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect The Chronicle’s stance.


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