Nungua supports ECG’s revenue mobilisation exercise

James Teye, the District Manager of the Nungua District of the Electricity Company of Ghana, Tema Region, has lauded his customers for their compliance and for allowing the staff to work in comfort.

Gladly sharing the news with The Chronicle, on Wednesday, when he was giving an overview of the company’s ongoing revenue mobilisation activity, Ing Teye said “There were previous reports where some customers prevented ECG officials from accessing the meters.

“This time around, I am glad to say that there has been a generally good and welcoming stance by our customers in the Nungua District, as we are on this revenue mobilisation agenda.
“As part of this activity, we are also checking on the integrity of our meters to ensure they are working well,” Ing Teye told The Chronicle.

He called on the customers and the public to continue to be supportive ECG to enable the company to work, encouraging his customers in Nungua to quickly report issues of staff misconduct to ECG, via the company’s customer service centre or on social media for prompt actions.

The ECG is currently undertaking a revenue mobilisation exercise across its operational areas as part of measures to get customers to pay for the electricity they have consumed. The exercise is ongoing in Ashaiman.


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