No Illegal Mining Here Please! … Dunkwahene warns as he vows to restore River Offin’s lost glory

Okofrobuor Obeng Nuakoh III, the chief of Dunkwa, in the Central region, has launched a crusade against illegal mining in the area, particularly in the Offin River.

He has charged all stakeholders, all his sub-chiefs, residents, as well as landlords to be on the lookout for those who indulge in the illegal practice at the expense of the welfare of the people and development of the area.

“It is time those engaged in illegal mining to destroy water bodies are named and shamed”, the chief emphasied while addressing a durbar of his sub-chiefs and people of Dunkwa recently at the forecourt of his palace.

A river completely destroyed through illegal mining

Nana Nuakoh called for the support of the people in his resolve to fight against illegal mining on River Offin and thus help in the crusade to save the river bodies and forests in the area.

He said any landlord who shielded a known illegal miner would incur his wrath and face the consequences and advised the landlords to resort to the ejection of such characters from their houses.

He called on all miners to stop desecrating and polluting the Offin River and entreated miners to reclaim mined areas noting that the fact that Dunkwa is a mining town does not mean mining should be done irresponsibly.

The Dunkwa chief said the people in the area deserve clean and good water and reminded miners to protect the environment whilst carrying out their activities in the interest of posterity.

He reminded the people that it is incumbent on them to make efforts to fight the menace to complement efforts by the government which he said, must also demonstrate the willingness and commitment to protect our water bodies and forests for the unborn generation.

Cocoa plantation being destroyed in the name of illegal mining

Nana Obeng Nuakoh has, therefore, urged the Minerals Commission and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to be proactive and check the activities of illegal miners to save the land from wanton destruction.

Meanwhile, the Dunkwahene has also cautioned against the indiscriminate invocation of curses at the least provocation, which practice leads to loss of lives. He warned that anybody arraigned for invoking a curse would be severely dealt with.

In another development, Okofrobuor Nuakoh III has honoured Nana Kwadwo Enum, the Chief of Dunkwa Subinsu and Nana Esi Annor both from the Agona royal family, by elevating them as Dabihene and Dabihemaa respectively of the Dunkwa Traditional Council.

Nana Okofrobuor advised them to continue the good work towards improving the standard of living in the community.

Nana Esi Annor thanked Okofrobuor Nuakoh III and Nananom for the honour and promised she would not disappoint them.

She assured that she would see to it that the Dunkwa Queen-Mothers Association become vibrant to champion development in the area.

The new Dabihemaa stated that she would ensure that Queen-mothers visit schools periodically to educate the young girls to become responsible mothers and women in society.

Nana Kwadwo Enum on his part expressed his profound gratitude and appreciation to Nananom and the Traditional Council for the honour.


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