Gender Minister appeals to Parliament to expedite passage of Affirmative Action Bill

The Minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection, Dakoa Newman, has appealed to Parliament to expedite the passage of the Affirmative Action Bill.She made the passionate appeal in Parliament on Wednesday, June 19, stating the urgency of enacting the bill.

The Affirmative Action Bill aims to ensure greater representation and participation of women in decision-making processes across various sectors.

Dakoa Newman emphasised that the bill was crucial for advancing gender equality and empowering women in Ghana.

In her address, the minister highlighted the significant gender disparities that still exist in the country, particularly in political and corporate leadership.

She pointed out that, despite women’s contributions to national development, their presence in leadership roles remains disproportionately low.

She also said that the Affirmative Action Bill is designed to rectify this imbalance by mandating minimum quotas for women’s representation in key areas, thereby fostering a more inclusive and equitable society.

The Okaikwei South legislator also addressed the broader implications of passing the bill, noting that increased female representation in leadership positions can lead to more comprehensive and effective policies.

She argued that women bring unique perspectives and experiences that are essential for addressing issues such as healthcare, education, and social welfare.

By ensuring that women have a voice in these critical areas, the bill would contribute to more holistic and responsive governance.

Furthermore, the Gender Minister called on all stakeholders, including Members of Parliament, Civil Society Organisations and the general public, to support the bill’s passage.

She urged lawmakers to prioritise the bill in their legislative agenda and to recognise its importance for the nation’s development.

Madam Newman also appealed to advocacy groups to continue their efforts to raise awareness about the bill and its potential impact on gender equality in Ghana.

In conclusion, the Minister’s passionate appeal for the immediate passage of the Affirmative Action Bill reflects a commitment to advancing gender equality and empowering women in Ghana.

“Today, at our premier institution, the University of Ghana, the Chancellor, the Chairperson of the University Council, the Vice Chancellor, and the Registrar are all women, leading the university to greater heights.

“Mr. Speaker, despite these successes, women remain underrepresented in governance. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) enjoins us to adopt temporary special measures to accelerate gender equality. Passing the Affirmative Action Bill will not only promote gender equality and women’s empowerment but also fulfil our international commitments.

“Mr. Speaker, both major political parties, the NPP and the NDC, have unequivocally committed to passing this transformative bill. This bipartisan support underscores the bill’s significance and the urgency of our actions.

“We owe it to the current and future generations of Ghanaians to rise above partisan divides, honour this commitment, and ensure the passage of this landmark legislation,” she said.


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