Feature: The Right Human Rights

Dear Ambassador Virginia Palmer,

Good whatever time of the day. I ask for God’s blessings for you, your family and your staff.

On the last day of February, 2024, you expressed dismay after Ghana’s Parliament, approved a bill aimed at promoting sexual rights and family values.

You were quoted as saying that the bill infringes on the rights of all Ghanaians, particularly with regards to freedom of speech, assembly and the press.

I understand this is among the terms of reference assigned to all American envoys by President Biden, that is, to fight for LGBTQ+. Can you confirm?

Madam Ambassador, during the period of American colonial years, homosexuals faced the death penalty. The 1641, Bay Colony’s famous Bodies of Law and Liberty, punished among others, sodomy, by adopting Leviticus 12: 13, where those found guilty, were put to death.

And the Pennsylvania Assembly’s November 27, 1700, adoption of“An Act Against Incest, Sodomy and Bestiality,”had offenders imprisoned for life and convicts were whipped once every three months during the first year in prison. The convicts who were married men, were castrated. (Ref: DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska-Lincoln: Homosexuals and Death Penalty in Colonial America).

It was not until in 1961, beginning with Illinois, that states in the US began to decriminalise same-sex sexual activities, and by 2003, through Lawrence v Texas, all remaining laws against same-sex activities were invalidated.

In Ghana, no LGBTQ+ person by law, has ever sentenced to death.

Madam Ambassador, in as much the US, once adhered to God’s law in dealing with homosexuality, we also strictly observed God’s law here, because long before the White Man and Arabs came, God had written these laws in our hearts and our communities obeyed them, without question.

Madam Ambassador, you must agree with me that LGBTQ+ activities violate the dignity of the human race. Kleptomaniacs and drug addicts are punished because their activities violate human principles. LGBTQ+ activities, violate life in general,when you talk about human rights, as we have in Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Right (UDHR), which mandates the right to life.

Interestingly, God created man and woman, joined them together as husband and wife and mandated them to increase and multiply and subdue the earth. I must admit that some people give up sex entirely to offer themselves to an uninterrupted service to God. And these are pleasing to Him. But, not the case of the LGBTQ+, who engage in unnatural forms of sex.

These wilfully profane and demonise God’s sacred gift of sex to man.

Madam Ambassador, is the USA aware that LGBTQ+ activities, violate Article 16 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? This Article, states that, “Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family…” This Article never said “Men and men or women and women.” It defined marriage as a union between a natural male and a natural female and not transgenders.

Madam Ambassador, you are talking about the rights of people, but is the United States adopting Article 4 and 5 of the UDHR, which states that, “(4). No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms and “(5). No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment?”

In this day and age, there have been reports that in some Arab countries, Black Africans are held as slaves, with our women forced into sex-slavery. I do not think the USA and UN can pretend they never hadany notice of this. Our rights are seriously violated and these include the killing of innocent Black Africans whose organs are harvested. These are the rights we want to be protected and not LGBTQ+ rights.

I proceed.Article 27 of the UDHR states clearly in 27a, that Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community.” Our culture is against LGBTQ+ activities and we demand that the USA and other Western countries must leave us alone, to freely enjoy this right.

By the way, Madam Ambassador, your parents were not LGBTQ+, that is why you were born and with the sex designation of a female, and has been of good service to your country. Like seriously, who should be made to give birth, for their children to become LGBTQ+? Have you considered what will happen to the world, if even a third are LGBTQ+?

Madam Ambassador, how can you say the implementation of our Human Sexual Rights and Family Values, will damage our international relationship and economy. Countries like Saudi Arabia have in its statutes today, capital punishment for homosexual activities, and yet it is one of the countries with very good international relationship with the USA and the West. What makes us different?

Madam Ambassador, you know for a fact that allowing LGBTQ+ activities in this Ghana, will further wreck our weak economy. Apart from upsurge of STD’s which will stretch out our health delivery system,transgender alone will sky-rocket our debt portfolio. In the USA it costs at least $100,000.00 to transgender someone. And 1.6% of the 342 million Americans identify as transgenders.

Assuming that with our population of 35 million, 1.6% decide to be transgender, it will mean 560,000 people, wasting $56 billion. And here we are, when we needed help, all the IMF could offer us is $3 billion.

Now please be honest, Madam Ambassador, with this statistic, is LGBTQ+ going to help our economy?

Madam Ambassador, we want our rights to be respected and more than that, we want to obey God’s commands on sex. So, it is a “BIG NO” to LGBTQ+. Products that are manufactured and sold out but later, found to be faulty are withdrawn and this happens in countries like America. So, why do you not withdraw LGBTQ+ and put them in rehabs where very seasoned mental health practitioners will work on them. Their problem is not genetic. Like the drug addiction, it is behavioural.

Madam Ambassador, with all your country’s advancement in health and health research, it should be finding ways of making such people, straight.

Madam Ambassador, the USA portrays itself as the world’s policeman enforcing and protecting rights. You are aware that today, majority of the people of the USA are being deprived of their rights, due to this LGBTQ+ thing. Only the4.5% or 15.4 million of adult Americans who identify as LGBTQ+, have their full rights protected.

In December 2013, Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakeshop, in Denver, Colorado was threatened, sanctioned and driven out of business by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission for refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding.In July 2015, Pastor Paul Horner of the Christian Proctor Church in Vermont was jailed for one year for refusing to marry gay couple. These two, had their rights in the belief in the True One God, violated.

14.4% of Americans are African-Americans and their rights are not respected. The Blacks get discriminated against and even killed for no reason at all by the institution, with George Floyd in mind. Even pets in the USA have more rights than Blacks.

This is America, where the majority decides who becomes president, but the minority decides how the majority must live their sexual lives. Madam Ambassador, is the USA, truly a land of liberty?

You talked about human rights, but to the people of Ghana and Africa in general, these are some of the most essential rights which are violated by powerful nations, like the USA.

We have the right to price our commodities to cover all cost of production and processing and to make good profit. But the West dictates to us how much we should sell our commodities. In the world today, cocoa producing countries received only $2 billion out of the $110 billion cocoa industry. Is this right? We only need fair trade.

We have the right to be respected as humans and regarded as such. Black Africans are mistreated in the world all over, yet no powerful nation draws attention to these evils, to make moves to put a halt to them.

We have the right to choose how we want to live in our countries. Since the USA and other Western countries cannot force oil-rich Arab countries like Saudi Arabia to accept LGBTQ+ activities, we should be left alone, to do what our God tells us.

We have the right to directly and independently manage our economies. France, loots $500 billion from Francophone countries in Africa. And,the USA and others are doing nothing about this.

We have the right to trade any way we feel like. Your countries, force us to enter into binding trade agreements in which we buy from you, goods, we can produce in our countries. This makes us register trade deficits every year and with it, a crush on our GDP.

We have the right to identify ourselves by the sex, God assigned us at birth. He created us and we must respect His choice. We cannot fight God.

The Constitution of Life, is found in the Sacred Scriptures, the Holy Qu’ran and the tradition and culture laws of the various ethnic groups and races in the world. God wrote these laws into the hearts of everybody, that is why even at tender ages, infants on their own can identify what is right and what is wrong.

Madam Ambassador,if the fate of the people who identify themselves as LGBTQ+ in Ghana, is a worry to you, why don’t your country invoke Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states, “Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries, asylum from persecution,”and allow them free entry to the United States and provide them with jobs and accommodation.

Madam Ambassador, some of the right human rights are stated in this message to you. Allow us to be and respect our rights.

Thanks, Daniel Christian Dugan.


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