FEATURE: Still on LGBTQ+, Here’s to you, Michael Kofi Mensah (1) (kofimens47@gmail.com)

When my article, On LGBTQ+, Yes God Created Us In His Own Image, which was earlier published in the Ghanaian Chronicle and later was published in the Daily Graphic, a fine gentleman who gave his name as Michael Mensah, popped up in my email, on December 6, 2021, and chose to attack my intelligence and the little knowledge I have acquired about God and how He does His things.

Naturally, I would have responded through the same medium he used to contact me, however my computer warned me that he was using an email address which the system described as phishing and could possibly expose me to scammers if I respond.  I waited this long hoping he would get back to me in a more appropriate way so that we could jaw-jaw. Nothing to date. I chose this medium to respond to him and all who think like him, hoping they would read and understand. Below in italics is Michael Mensah’s response to my article.

I have read your article in Graphic and concluded that most people like you believe in God but belittle his omniscience. Why do you think God cannot create the homosexuals?

Go to the gospels, you will find that God in his wisdom created eunuchs, persons born blind, cerebral palsy babies; even sterile plants and women who cannot give birth, not because of any known faults of theirs. God is a God of variations. Between day and night, do you know the different shades of lights we have in between? Just don’t belittle God. He created anything He wants.

Again, on Sodom, many have used to support the case against homosexuality.

Let’s even agree it’s because of homosexuality; where then is the source for the evolution again of homosexuality if indeed God wiped out Sodom? Let’s think above Sunday school religious tuition. Most likely God did not destroy it because of homosexuality. 

Again, people like you cannot draw a line between sin and crime. A sin is a matter of morality which only God can judge.

Not all sins are crimes! Take the Ten Commandments; all are sins against God but only a few are crimes. Daniel, who punishes you for failing to honour your father and mother? But dare take what does not belong to you, you’d be labelled a THIEF and dealt with according to law because it is a crime and sin.

You made conflicting claims about judgement for robbers, kleptomaniacs, liars, murderers…. whenever proven in court. You yourself agree, it is when proven in court; why? Because these persons have committed crimes. 

Now, what crime has a homosexual committed for having sex with a fellow homosexual? It could be a sin against God; but then who gives anyone the right to judge sin? Listen to the Pope “who am I to judge” he has often said. In fact, it is on record that the Pope says, homosexuals SHOULD be given civil liberties but the church cannot bless their unions. This is a clear case of separation of crime from sin.

God created the homosexual. If his acts are sinful avoid him. Like Ezekiel, preach to him to change, and if he doesn’t and he dies, he will die a sinner and you would have done your part from God’s angle. 

Do not judge the sinner; leave that to God as the Pope has been educating Catholics to do.

Having read this below is my response:

On the issue of alleging that I am belittling God’s Omniscience, I have this to say: Michael Mensah, if you very well understand the meaning of omniscience, you wouldn’t state here that I am belittling God. Omniscience means all-knowing, knowing everything. And He knows why He hates sins, including acts of LGBTQ+. I never classified homosexuality and all other acts of LGBTQ+ as sins, God did. And I must talk about these and all other sins so that all of humankind including me, would turn towards God and walk on the path of righteousness.

On the issue of God creating LGBTQ+, I am definitely saying, no, He cannot, because He is a homophobic God and detest LGBTQ+.

On the issue of God creating varieties of persons and things, I will just advice you, Michael Mensah, to stop confusing yourself. Is there any law of God against the eunuchs, the blind, the barren? Christ said such people are as they are, so that the power of God is made manifest. (St. John 9:3). From what you stated you are underrating the wisdom of God, Who is all good and will never create evil.

Michael, sorry to say, you are totally naïve on the subject of sins of Sodom and Gomorrah. As a supporter of LGBTQ+, you should know that your people are saying God destroyed the two cities because of other sins, which included wickedness (Genesis 13:13); adultery, lying, evil doing (Jeremiah 23:14) and sexual promiscuity (Jude: 7). Are these sins mentioned here still not prevailing on Earth, 4,000 years after Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed? Christians believe that Jesus died for the sins of mankind, but sin still thrives after His death and resurrection, how about that?

Michael, you say, most likely God did not destroy the cities because of LGBTQ+? Soyou are not too sure about why God destroyed them. I will suggest that you undergo Bible School tuition and understand passages like Genesis 19: 1-11. In it when the men of Sodom made strong demands for Lot to give up his male visitors, who were angels, so that they could have sex with them, that demand made the angels angry and they struck the homosexuals, blind. God despises LGBTQ+.

Michael, what we are talking about here are both sin and crime. Parliament wants to enforce the law on acts of LGBTQ+ which are sins against God. God has indicated how we should conduct our lives and when we violate these, we sin against Him; and will face the dire consequences. Sin is violating God’s laws and crime is violating social laws.  And I agree every crime is a sin, but not all sins are crimes.

Michael, are you aware that in some communities, all the laws of God are also the laws of society? Now can you explain why some laws of God are made laws of societies? Can you tell us why some of God’s laws are not yet made laws of society?

Michael, you said I am making conflicting claims about judgment for robbers, etc. You should be mindful that in society, whenever anyone violates or is suspected to have violated the society laws, he or she is brought to justice and when proven they are punished. Whenever someone sins, he or she sins not only against God, but against society as well. As in the case of David and Bathsheba, society did not see what the king did but God saw it and punished David for it.

Michael, you want to know the crime homosexuals commit when they have sex with fellow homosexuals? In the first place in Ghana, they will commit the crime of uncarnal knowledge. Crimes and sins of LGBTQ+ erode the very values of the essential part of life: procreation, pro-life. God loves life, in fact He is Life, He is Pro-Life and hates anything that would not promote life.

(Stay tuned for Part 2)


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