Feature: Sins in LGBQT+

Perhaps, leading the hot issues in Ghana today, is this thing about LGBTQ+ activities. While some Ghanaians are saying, it is okay to have this strange culture infused into our age-long, tried, tested and trusted, way of conducting our lives, most of Ghanaians believe it is wrong and against divine law.

Sins of LGBTQ+ activitiesare the risks of not making it to Heaven, because of violation of God’s laws, that should be to the concern to all. When God created man, He set up some dos and don’ts. The don’ts, are what are classified as sin and man can do nothing about what is sin to God. Man cannot change or amend it.

It is not human law like the Constitution which can be changed or amended. One thing, we are not perfect beings so we cannot make perfect laws. God who is All Good and All Perfect, makes perfect laws.

It must be noted that no sin, or crime for that matter, is new on earth. Some may look new but they fall under categories of older sins committed during the early days of man.

God loves life and He loves living. In order to have life going on in this world, He gave the sacred gift of sex to man for reproduction (and also to all living things, even if some of them have entirely different forms of reproduction).

The Word of God in 1 Corinthians 6:16, tells us that the act of sex binds one spiritually. Therefore, it is so sacred that it must occur only between married couples, of the opposite sex (Genesis 2:24; Mark 10: 6-9),and not just anybody. Sex always binds two souls and multiple spirits together.

According to Paul Tripp, sex is a form of pleasure and every pleasure requires boundaries. Pleasure without boundaries always leads to danger. Sexual sin is not first an issue of environment; it’s first an issue of the condition of the heart.

So, with this gift of sex, came laws which must bestrictly conformed to, in order to maintain the divine orderliness in the act of sex. All of us who engage in sex, just for the fun of it, with someone who is not our spouse, violate the spirituality, wholeness and decency that sex is meant for. With this, it must be noted, that all violations of the laws on sex, are found in LGBTQ+ activities.

They disrupt God’s beautiful plan for sex and reproduction. Homosexuality, incest, bestiality and transgender is like telling God, it is okay to have sex any how I can even with animals.

In the case of incest, this could trigger off, the dying of families, since sooner than later certain traits, harmful to the growth of a person may affect that family.

Some people say God approved of incest, referring to Cain possibly marrying his sister. Peter Goeman has this to say: “When Adam and Eve were created by God, they contained the perfect, undamaged genetic information for the entire human race. However, due to sin, genetic mutations entered the human genome and slowly developed into pronounced ways over time.

‘By the time Israel became a nation, enough time and genetic mutations had occurred that there was significant “sameness” that existed between family units. Therefore, in order to preserve the uniqueness of new “one flesh” relationships, as well as to preserve humanity from the deleterious genetic effects of intermarrying into the same genetic mutation patterns, God made clear that marrying close relatives was now forbidden.

This would explain why marriage between family members in the pre-Israel time period was not taboo, but by the time God gives the Law to Moses (ca. 1446 BC) there is a significant amount of sameness that exists in people groups, and thus incest is a real possibility as described in Leviticus 18.”

Sexual sin, as in the case of all sins, is an immoral act considered to be a transgression against the divine law of God. While He deals with some sins lightly, He deals harshly with others and may even bring down serious disasters to cleanse the system. We must note that some sins can be forgiven in this life and in the life hereafter, while some cannot be forgiven here and cannot be forgiven in the life hereafter. This last set of sins is what is called the Eternal Sin (Matthew 12: 31-32).

Blaspheming against the Holy Spirit can come in many different forms. God, who is merciful and loving, will readily forgive us our sins. But there is a condition here, we must first show remorse and approach Him with a contrite heart and broken spirit. With the belief that Christ died for our sins, so no matter what wrong we commit, weare saved, is a blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

That saying that, “God will understand,” so you go about sinning, is a blasphemy, because God does not condonesin in any way. To Him there is no difference between sin, committed during Adam and Eve’s era and sin committed today. To God, “All Sin Is Sin.”

What perhaps annoys God the most, is the attribution of good as evil and the attribution of evil as good.This was why Jesus talked about the Eternal Sin. He had cured a demon possessed man who was blind and mute, by driving out the demons. Instead of the Pharisees attributing His works to God, they stated that it was Beelzebul who drove out the demons. Evil spirits are foul spirits and in the case of Beelzebul, he was the demon of the refuse dump, meaning more than foul.

God gave us that sacred gift called sex, which must be used only between husband and wife. Even as we, sinful, gineful and wineful as we are, turned sex into a casual affair, which is very sinful; some people took this to another level and attribute what God sees as evil to be good.

God specifically, stated that homosexuality is evil in His sight (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13; Jude 1:7). Bestiality is evil in His sight (Exodus 22:19; Leviticus 18:23, 20: 15-16 and Deuteronomy 27:21). Incest is evil in His sight (Leviticus 18: 6-7, 8-10, 11-17; Leviticus 20: 11, 12, 14, 19-21 and Deuteronomy 27:20). In the case of incest, Ammon raped his half sister, Tamar and was killed for this (2 Samuel 13: 1-21,28) and Reuben slept with his father’s concubine and was penalized later (Genesis 35:22 and 49:4).

Transgender is evil in the sight of God (Deuteronomy 22:5). No matter how LGBTQ+ defend transgender, the Word of God spoke against women wearing male cloth and men wearing female cloth. It means that one must uphold and preserve the sexual identity he or she is given at birth. It is easy and seems okay for a woman to slip into men’s jeans and jacket but it looks awkward for a man to wear slit and kabaaand parade the streets.

What Deuteronomy 22:5 is saying here is that it is wrong for a man to change into a woman and a woman to change into a man. During those days, men change their outlook and pose as women to engage in homosexual activities and same applied to women. Even in this day and age, we see gays putting on make-ups, walking and talking like women.

From the days of Moses, transgender kept going on till this era, where modern science has developed a way of medically transforming male to female and female to male. The male can now wear a female’s skin and flesh and the female can do same. This is what Deuteronomy is talking against.

And all other forms of sexual immorality are evil in the sight of God (Romans 1: 24-25; 1 Corinthians 6:9; 2 Corinthians 12:21; Galatians 5:19-21). To God sex must be honoured and this honour should take place only between husband and wife, for, as stated in Hebrews 13:4, the Word of God says Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.”

God cannot stand sin in any form. Some of the sins, He deals drastically with death. LGBTQ+ activities are some of the sins God considers as Eternal Sin. Satan has been able to turn the minds of men away from God and dishonour this wonderful and sacred gift called sex, by profaning it and daring God to do His worse.

And yes, He can and He will, unless we all turn to Him, very remorseful, with contrite hearts and broken spirits and blaming no oneelse, but ourselves for our spiritual waywardness and plead for His mercy, forgiveness and reconciliation.

Sex is sacred and so should be treated decently. It is a sacred gift from God to be used only in marital relationship. This relationship is between a male and female and not same-sex.

It should always be between husband and wife and Proverbs 5: 15-23, has this to say. “Be faithful to your own wife, just as you drink water from your own well. Don’t pour your water in the streets; don’t give your love to just any woman. These things are yours alone and shouldn’t be shared with strangers.

Be happy with the wife you married when you were young. She gives you joy, as your fountain gives you water. She is as lovely and graceful as a deer. Let her love always make you happy; let her love always hold you captive. My son, don’t be held captive by a woman who takes part in adultery. Don’t hug another man’s wife.

The Lord sees everything you do, and he watches where you go. An evil man will be caught in his wicked ways; the ropes of his sins will tie him up. He will die because he does not control himself, and he will be held captive by his foolishness.”

If anyone wants pleasure outside of what God has designed for us; he or she willneed rescuing and empowering grace. It applies to all of us who engage in Just-Sex or Casual Sex, but most importantly to the LGBTQ+. No one can amend any of God’s laws. He knows how good abiding by His laws will be to us.

(Stay tune for Racism and LGBTQ+)

By Hon Daniel Dugan


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