Far-right French presidential candidate attacked at rally

Far-right French presidential candidate Eric Zemmour has been attacked at his first campaign rally.

As the 63-year-old moved through the crowd to the stage, a man briefly grabbed him by the neck before security officers intervened.

Local media report his wrist was injured and that his doctors have ordered nine days of rest.

The former journalist and pundit is known for his controversial views on migrants and World War Two.

In the past, the child of Jewish Algerian immigrants has claimed the French state protected Jews during the conflict, when in reality the collaborationist Vichy regime shipped thousands of French Jews to Nazi death camps.

After weeks of speculation Mr Zemmour announced his candidacy in the 2022 French presidential election on Tuesday. He is challenging far-right figurehead Marine Le Pen for leadership of France’s nationalist hard right. The incident in which Mr Zemmour was attacked was one of several violent clashes during the event, held at a convention centre north-east of the capital Paris on Sunday night.

Credit: bbc.com


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