Churches urged to inculcate socio-cultural values in younger generation

Bishops and priests of the Catholic church at the synod

The Bono Regional Minister, Madam Justina Owusu-Banahene, has called on religious bodies to inculcate in the younger generation the nation’s socio-cultural values, and virtues of love, respect and truthfulness.

“If our churches and other religious bodies instil in the younger generation the social and cultural values, as well as virtues, of love, respect and truthfulness, it would help to fill and shape them well to become complete and responsible adults to take up [the] leadership of the country,” she said.

Madam Owusu-Banahene gave the advice during the opening session of the four-day Episcopal Conference phase of the Synod on Synodality of the Catholic Church in Sunyani.

The Synod was on the theme: ”For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation and Mission,” and attended by Catholic bishops and priests across the country.

Madam Owusu Banahene emphasised that the youth remained the future leaders of the country, and, therefore, needed to be guided in life and the decision-making process.

“Let me emphasise that our youth of today remain the leaders of the country tomorrow and for that reason they need the guidance from us to enable them make the right decisions in life,” she said.


The Regional Minister commended the contribution of the Catholic Church toward the development of the nation.

“I would like to emphasise that the Catholic Church has in the past, reliably partnered with successive governments in building a better nation and improving the socio-economic livelihoods of the people,” she said.

The Minister noted that the Catholic Church had, apart from the spiritual growth of its members, made several interventions in the infrastructural growth of the country.

“Aside from the spiritual growth of members, the church’s several interventions, including the provision of schools, scholarships, health facilities, water and sanitation, relief services and micro-credit to vulnerable people, especially women and youth in the country have not gone unnoticed and, therefore, deserved commendation,” Madam Owusu-Banahene said.


According to the Regional Minister, “The government appreciates the role churches and some religious bodies have played and continue to play in the socio-economic development of the country.”

Madam Owusu Banahene underscored the need for the Synod to deliberate and find strategies to solidify the country’s security against the growing threat of terrorism within the West African Sub-region.

She noted that terrorism is a threat to the peace of the sub-region and appealed to the church to partner the government and security agencies to intensify public sensitisation and education on terrorism and extremism by embracing the “See Something, Say Something campaign.”


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