Asanteman Zongo Nkosuohene supports 3,000 BECE candidates

About 3,000 Junior High School students preparing to write their Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) in three districts in Ashanti Region have received free mathematical sets and other learning materials.

Sarkin Abdulai Ali Barry – Founder of SAAB Foundation

The donation, initiated by Sarkin Abdulai Ali Barry (SAAB) Foundation, a Non-Governmental Organization founded by the Asanteman Zongo Nkosuohene, Alhaji Abdullai Ali Barry, was to encourage the candidates to learn harder to pass their upcoming exams in July.The beneficiary students were from three districts including Amansie West, Kumawu and Amansie Central.

They were also taken through orientation exercise to equip them with the capability of overcoming fear and panics to enable them write well in the exams.

The items, running into thousands of cedis, were in line with the Founder’s vision of championing equal access to quality education in the Ashanti Region.

Making the presentation, the General Manager of the Foundation, King David Koomson said the gesture formed part of Sarkin Ali Barry’s avowed commitment towards the pursuit of quality education towards the socio-economic and political development of Ghana.

He told the candidates to reflect on all that their teachers had taught them and what they had also learnt and write the exams with confidence.

Mr. Koomson appealed to the candidates to eschew examination malpractices to avoid the cancellation of their papers.

“I believe the students would make good use of the items in order to pass well and honour Sarkin Abdullai Ali Barry”, he said.

The beneficiary students display the Maths sets

Receiving the items at Manso Nkwanta for onward distribution to the various schools, the Exams Officer at Amansie West Education Directorate, Mr. Enoch Kwaku Osei appreciated the supportive efforts of Alhaji Sarkin Barry and the entire membership of the foundation describing it as unprecedented.

At the presentation ceremony were members of the Foundation including the Chairman, Alhaji Ahmed Tijani, Manaf, Personal Assistant (PA) to Sarkin Barry, Mustafa Sabota, Operations Officer, Hajia Fatima Yakubu and Hajia Mahama Sakinatu.

The candidates expressed gratitude for the act of generosity of the founder and promised to make their benefactor proud.


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