Amerado credits rap ‘beefs’ for boosting his music career

Rapper Kwabena Sarfo Kantanka, known professionally as Amerado, has credited his participation in rap ‘beefs’ with contributing significantly to the growth of his music career. In an interview on Joy Prime’s Prime Morning, Amerado confirmed that engaging in these lyrical battles has had a positive impact on his career.

When asked if these ‘beefs’ have positively affected his life, he responded affirmatively. Since the beginning of his career, Amerado has been involved in multiple rap confrontations with artists like Kofi Mole, Lyrical Joe, Obibini, and the founder of the Ajagurajah Movement. Despite the controversies, he has no regrets about these engagements.

The ‘Kwaku Ananse’ hitmaker explained that these feuds have expanded his audience, bringing in listeners who appreciate his lyrical prowess. “As an artist, there are no regrets. You only learn from whatever happens, and I believe that through the rap beefs, some people realized that I’m lyrically inclined,” he said.

Amerado also noted a significant increase in his social media following due to the attention from these rap battles. He highlighted that ‘beefs’ often attract more listeners compared to regular music releases.

“Whenever there are ‘beefs,’ there’s a higher chance of people hopping on and listening to your music compared to when there are no excessive waves,” he added.

Comparing the views on his regular rap songs to those released during his feuds, Amerado observed a noticeable difference, emphasizing that these confrontations have been beneficial for his visibility and reach. He sees these challenges as opportunities for growth and self-discovery, urging fellow artists to embrace such competitive moments.



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