One hundred and forty youth, drawn from Obuasi and Tarkwa, have been matriculated to undergo a year’s Engineering Skills Training Programme at Mac Partners Training Institute (MPTI), at Obuasi. The programme is fully funded by AngloGold Ashanti.
The day’s programme also saw the inauguration of the Obuasi Engineering Centre of Excellence and the launch of the 10th Anniversary of MPTI.
The Acting Managing Director of AGA Obuasi mine, Mr. Awie Frey, traced the history of the Engineering Training Centre from 1987, with Mr. C.C. Englefield as the founding father, aimed at addressing skill gaps within the Engineering Department of the company.

“The Obuasi Engineering Training Centre, among others, aims at equipping 100 young people annually from the host communities.
“It is also aimed at elevating the skills of professionals across Ghana and beyond and catering to the needs of various industries,” Mr Awie Frey added.
Mr. Seth Quaye, Managing Director of MPTI said the training of the youth in engineering skills has become necessary so as to get ready hand skilled workers who will be needed in other industries and the various mines in the country.
Mr. Edmund Oduro Agyei, Community Relations Manager, AGA, explained that the 140 youth were selected through a rigorous selection process to arrive at the figure.
He noted that records have it that some of the past graduates of the Engineering Training Institute have secured jobs in other companies elsewhere and charged the new trainees to take their training serious, so that they would be relevant enough to be employed.
Mr. Eric Broni, Senior Manager Engineering AGA, who is a product of the Engineering Training Institute, advised the trainees to make themselves marketable and employable.
“If you are not marketable no employer would want to put his or her business into your hands, and it is all about acquiring skills and getting skills you need to learn,” Mr. Broni added.
From Frederick Danso Abeam, Obuasi