A Togbe and a Ken

Social media carried a story over the weekend that Hon. Kennedy Agyapong was embarrassed at the Asogli State’s Yam Festival when his gifts were rejected at that important function, he was invited to.

In a letter dated 25th July, 2022 from the Asogli State Council and signed by its secretary, Stephen Tetteh, Hon. Kennedy Ohene Agyapong, Board Chairman of Ghana Gas Company Ltd, was invited by the Agbogbomefia Togbe Afede XIV, the Asogli State Council and the Festival Planning Committee to witness the sitting-in-state of the Agbogbomefia on Friday 9th September, 2022 and the climax of the festival on Saturday 10th September, 2022.

As custom demands, to show homage, anyone is invited to such functions must have gifts to present. And Kennedy Agyapong, MP of Assin Central, who was invited to this festival presented gifts to the Agbogbomefia of the Asogli State, Togbe Afede XIV, his traditional council and his people.

Unfortunately, reports had it that the MP’s gifts were rejected which clearly indicated that he was not invited to the festival.

It was reported that Kennedy Agyapong had shown gross lack of respect for the Agbogbomefia, who he once referred to as a corrupt person, who used his position as the chairman of the Board of the National Investment Bank to do fishy deals.

In addition to that, the Ewe Dome Ewes of Asogli, resolved not to forget comments Kennedy Agyapong made about the Ewe and Ga people.

If indeed the Agbogbomefia and his people truly invited Hon. Kennedy Agyapong in the letter dated 25th July 2022, did they intend to embarrass him in public?

If this was their intention, then it not right and would never speak well of the Asogli State. This is so because, the two allegations they made against Kennedy Agyapong that made them reject his gifts, took place years ago.

Assuming Kennedy Agyapong gets elected as flag bearer of the NPP and he goes on to get elected as the next president of this country, would the Asogli State invite him to any of its state functions?

Or could the Agbogbomefia lead members of his traditional council to go and greet the new president and pledge their support?

Togbe Afedi XIV, has himself shown disrespect to H.E. J.A. Kufuor, who appointed him a member of the Bank of Ghana Board and went on to have GHAPOHA to release a big plot of land for Togbe to construct his Asogli Electricity Generating Plant.

When the NPP was voted out of power in 2008, Togbe in inviting President J.E.A. Mills to Ho, stated openly that during J.A. Kufuor’s reign, Ewes were treated as second class citizens.

Yet, come another NPP government and Togbe Afede was made a board member of NIB.

And again, when the president of the republic, H.E. Nana Akufo-Addo was about to add six more regions to the ten in this country, because Hohoe was not going to be part of the Oti region, Togbe turned his back on the president and canvassed all through the Ewe side of the Volta region for chiefs and people to rise up and oppose the creation of the Oti region.

Togbe Afede XIV cannot say he respected those two presidents from the NPP, and worse of all, to even tell President J.E.A. Mills that H.E. J.A. Kufuor never treated Ewes well during his reign was not right and truthful.

With Hon. Kennedy Agyapong, he is just like Jerry John Rawlings, who boomed at the least provocation.

Unfortunately, Togbe Afede XIV and his people would not pay homage to him as they did to Rawlings, because Rawlings was a white man and Kennedy is a pure-bred black man.

Hon Kennedy Agyapong can boom and make statements he may later regret saying. So, to him, Togbe Afede XIV did some corrupt deals in NIB and the public must know.

Unfortunately, that story did not carry on, by way of investigation to prove its credibility. But to call a chief, a thief, without proof, could get his people very angry.

As for Kennedy making that statement against Ewes and Gas, it was proven that it was out of provocation, because the NDC regime then, watched on as Akans were beaten up in the Accra Business District area to prevent them to register to vote.

It was when the police looked on while Hon Ursula Owusu-Ekuful was also beaten up by Ga thugs and the government still keeping silent, that Kennedy Agyapong made a conditional statement that if that was what would go on, then Ewes and Gas should also be treated that way in Akan areas.

Why he specifically mentioned Ewes could be a way of getting at the NDC. However, he should not have mentioned Ewes in this.

All said, in my opinion, this is an issue between a Togbe and a Ken. Ewes demand respect just as every ethnic group does.

What the people of Asogli did to Kennedy Agyapong, is not part of the Ewe culture. Ewes would not invite you to their home and embarrass you. If they have something against you, you will not be accepted in their homes.

So, it is wrong for the Asogli State, to invite someone they have issues with to come to their home. Assuming, something tragedy happened to Kennedy Agyapong, what will the Asogli people say? All Ghanaians will blame them.

Hon Daniel Dugan

The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect The Chronicle’s stance.


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