You Are Worthy And Enough

For you created my innermost being, you knit me together in my mother’s womb, I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, your works are wonderful, I know that full welly frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body, all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. (Psalm 139:13-16). Beloved look at how God created you beautifully, well if you’ve ever looked at yourself with much disgust, this scripture is reminding us of how the maker took his time and knit us even before we came into this world. Appreciate yourself, for you are enough. Don’t expect love from others when you have already degraded yourself, realise that you are enough and God has tagged you as such.

Give no room for negativity that gets you thinking otherwise and keeps your mind focused on the fact that you need material things in life to make you complete. People feed you with all manner of negative statements just to get you devaluing your worth but hear this, your personality is like a cake which has been moulded by God, structured into how best it will fit your life and God’s description for you, however the icing to flavor the cake is in your hands. God has created us and given us the will to walk in his light, word and truth. Once you know your worth and know that you’re enough you follow the best principles in life, work hard and mould your cake(life) with some icing (flavor) to make you blossom in God’s grace. You have everything in life because you’re a child of God, you have breath and wisdom to guide you accomplish your task on earth.

Chase not after worthless things without developing yourself first. What do you have to offer God? A deceitful soul; a clean soul; or an ungrateful soul? What are you giving back to God after all He has moulded you into? Beloved you are enough to spread the gospel regardless of how you have been knocked down. You are enough to realise that no weapon formed against you shall prosper until you become that weapon forming against yourself. God says you’re enough so therefore have faith in his word. Life is not always rosy until you make its fragrance smell like a rose in your own garden. Keep on keeping on, cherish yourself, and honour God. You are enough!

In an era where the pressure to please others is on the rise, many people are now living absurd lives they never imagined for themselves. Being true to oneself is a treasure we must individually value. By being truthful, we are being sincere with what we want in life, remaining assertive and not living life according to the current trend but rather being sincere with ourselves. By being true to yourself you don’t settle for less, you know your value and live by the standards you have set for yourself and not breaking bounds to please the crowd. In living truthfully with yourself you don’t go with the crowd. By being truthful to yourself you don’t enter into a relationship with someone and profess love when you have no idea of the concept, everyone has a partner so you must get yourself one. No, you don’t accept less since that’s the only option available, rather you stay put, work hard and wait on what you truly deserve.

Deception is that sickness that affects you in your old age and makes you regret all the wrong decisions you made in your youthful days. Be truthful to yourself, do you really want this kind of lifestyle you’re living? By being true to yourself you don’t forcefully get married when it’s not your time yet, you don’t choose someone’s God ordained husband or wife for yourself because you feel there’s none coming your way. Give no room for fornication; don’t allow deception to lead you into choosing anything or anyone for yourself. Many eligible people who come your way may be good but are not meant for you therefore seek God’s direction and be true to yourself. Make a choice because it is right for you and not because time is running, don’t go ahead of yourself, live in the bliss of the moment. You’re on God’s time schedule and not anyone’s. Be honest with yourself, stop comparing yourself to others. You didn’t come on earth with anyone therefore don’t live under pressure with the intention of pleasing others.

To you reading this, I know how hard it is been to be true to yourself on a daily basis, you can neither see the head nor tail of your life, what do soldiers do when they go for war? They fight, it may feel like no one is watching you, but keep doing the good that you do, it’ll speak for you someday. Fight for your integrity, hold it in high esteem, don’t lose it trying to fit into society, just stay true to yourself, stay in your lane, learn from others and let truth prevail in your life. Walk in truth, live in truth and be true to your individual self.

Proving to people that you are successful, on top of your game, the talk of the town, the most endowed and the like just for fame is irrelevant. Knowing and understanding that you’re enough there’s no point in proving yourself to anyone. Instead of competing with your neighbor endeavour to rather complete your given task on earth in humility, envying no one. When we see that our mates and close acquaintances are all successful, you wonder how they got there, due to this you try every means possible and force your way into being successful through dubious means just to compete with your neighbor. At the end of each persons life that is you and your competitor what will be your Ultimate Prize?

Be encouraged to live within ones means, the tables in life could turn anytime, every individual will have their fair share of celebration when the right time for your blessing from heaven is due. The ultimate prize we should fight for is to make it to heaven because where do you go when you leave this earth? We cannot catch the wind, it blows in diverse directions, it chooses whom to blow favour. Don’t compete with anyone rather be happy for them when they see success, celebrate with them, do not envy, this will only let love prevail. This is what Christ requires of us. Let’s not just say it, act it! The more you keep proving yourself to people, the more you remain where you are; you never actually progress to where God has planned for you. Let us employ the services of humility.

Our Ultimate Prize is to be in the dwelling place with Christ. Marriage which is a beautiful thing may have delayed for you, your relationship status has a bitter end and you always have a problem with God. The problem is not God; the problem is you are in competition with the world. You’re running the race and never winning. God is saying train enough; let him prepare you enough in order for you to be at the top also. Instead of competing with the world, yearn to complete your God given task on earth, so that in the end, the Ultimate Prize tag of being a candidate of heaven is placed on you. Battle for the completion not the competition.

Jaclyn Essien

The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect The Chronicle’s stance.


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