Witness mooted the idea to stage coup; Mac Palm

The first accused (A1) in a treason trial, Dr Fredrick Yao Mac Palm has accused the Attorney-General’s (AG) star witness, Staff Sergeant Awarf Sule of mooting the idea to stage a coup.
In reference to one of the video evidences before the court that Staff Sergeant Awarf Sule allegedly recorded, Dr Mac Palm told the court that it was the witness who is heard mooting the idea to stage the coup.
According to Dr Mac Palm, who is standing trial with Donyo Kafui, Bright Alan Debrah, Johannes Zikpi, Colonel Samuel Kodzo Gameli, WO II Esther Saan, Corporal Seidu Abubakar, Corporal Ali Solomon, Sylvester Akankpewu and ACP Dr. Benjamin Kwasi Agordzo, the witness is heard inviting the third accused (A3), Bright Alan Debrah, to join the plot.
The first accused, through his lawyer, E.A. Vordoagu, informed the three member panel – Justice Afia Serwaa Asare-Botwe, Justice Hafisata Amaleboba and Justice Stephen Oppong – yesterday that there has not been any instance in all the video and audio evidences before it that he orchestrated a coup plot.
Staff Sergeant Awarf Sule in response stated that he approached Debrah on the instructions of Dr Mac Palm and that, his meeting with A3 was to finalise the sketch of map and present same to A1.
Mr Vordoagu then asked “…you have not provided the evidence of that communication to the court” but the witness answered that it was not true.
In a follow up question, the lawyer inquired: “which of the audios captured what you have just told the court?”
Staff Sergeant Awarf explained that discussion with Dr Mac Palm was held on a techno mobile phone that was given to him by the latter, hence he could not record the conversation.
Counsel then suggested to the witness that he had lied to the court since there was no evidence supporting his claim, but the witness insisted that was not true.
“And at best you embarked upon entrapment of the accused persons or in order words you embarked upon a calculated journey to setup the accused persons or to incriminate the accused persons,” Mr Vordoagu suggested.
The witness responded that, “My Lord that is not true” and added that Dr Mac Palm also gave A3 Techno mobile phone.
The videos were heavily edited
Mr Vordoagu further told the court that the said video and audio evidence before it was heavily edited and that it is not the true reflection of what Staff Sergeant Awarf is painting to the court.He argued that some of the videos are less than three minutes and do not follow the sequence of events.
The lawyer indicated that some of the videos that dated back to 2013 are 1minute 47secs, 2 minutes 51secs and in that order, stressing that some of the folders have been titled, edited and combined.
Mr Vordoagu added there are others that have same event repeating and playing throughout.
In explaining, the witness said the recording device record at short period and save it before starting to record again and that the videos were not edited.
But the lawyer said the witness’ testimony could not be true because there is one video that played for almost 13 minutes.
The lawyer (Q) asked: And that the division in the data was done by your commanding officers who finally handled the data from your recording device?
Witness (A): That is not true.
Q: There is another one titled ‘meeting’, to discuss funds. I am putting it to you that the gadget was capable of recording for longer period as we have seen in most of the videos?
A: That is not true
Q: The three minutes or less was the work of editing?
A. Not true
Q: And this editing was done by your supervisors?
A: That is not true. Whenever I record a meeting and send it to Colonel Amponsah, we all watch together before he downloads it.
Q: And the presentation to this court has labelled it as final video two, edited and combined were done by your supervisors, not so?
A. Yes
Q: And the one that follows immediately you will realise that it is same recording. I’m putting it to you that the gadget, as we are watching, will not have recorded six minute events in two beats?
A: That is not correct
Q: I’m further putting it to you that the two sets of three minutes recording was as a result of editing?
A: No
Q: And that whole evidence brought before this court, which is based on the audio and video recordings were heavily edited and not original work?
A. That’s not true

Who is Inusa Nakpor?
The witness was asked to once again give his name to the court and he said Awarf Kwadwo Sule. He was then quizzed by Mr Vordoagu: “Is that the name you are known throughout your life?” but the witness said he used to be called Inusa Nakpor.
Q. Did you legally effect a change of name before using the Awarf Sule?
A. Yes my Lord.
Q. And which year was that?
A. I cannot recall the year.
Q. Can you give me information on the change of name?
A. My Lord, I will check if I find it.
Q. So again you are not sure you will be able to find an important document as a change of name?
A. I will check
Bechem Technical Institute awards MVTI certificate
The witness, during cross examination told the court that he entered the military using 2nd class diploma, which was awarded to him by the Bechem Technical Institute in 2004.
The lawyer in an attempt to discredit the witness indicated to the court that the Bechem Technical Institute started running technical courses only in 2015 and the qualification is MVTI.
Q. So I’m putting it to you that you did not do wood work and obtained 2nd degree diploma?
A. That is not true
Q. Now the certificate that you are referring to, do you still have it?
A. Yes
Q. When you are given the opportunity by this court can you produce it?
A. Yes, I will go back and check.
Q. Staff Sargeant Awarf Sule, is it the case that you are not sure that when you go you will find it?
A. My Lord, unless I go and check
The case has been adjourned to Monday, November 8 for continuation.


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