Volta Diaspora Caucus launched in Kumasi

The Ashanti Regional Chapter of the Volta Diaspora Caucus (VDC) has been inaugurated at the Global Evangelical Church Auditorium in Kumasi.

George Abofra, Regional Coordinator addressing the gathering

Originally founded in Kumasi as the Volta Caucus, the rebranded Volta Diaspora Caucus is an association of all people of the Volta Region descent living outside the region.

There was also the outdooring of the National Skills Training Project, which is aimed at equipping members with the skills in soap and detergent making, pastries, snail, fish and mushroom farming, among others.

A National Executive Member swearing in Constituency Coordinators

Mr. George Abofra, Regional Coordinator and a founding member of the VDC explained that the caucus was initially formed to mobilise Ewes in the region during voter’s registration exercises to register and vote because most Ewes from the Volta region were being prevented from being registered by the EC, as they were considered non Ghanaians.

He said the association has now introduced skills training for young members to make themselves sufficient and added that the VDC will ensure that everybody from the Volta region, but living in any other part of the country and is a registered voter, would exercise his or her civic rights by voting during the general elections.

Basil Ahiable, National Coordinator addressing members of the VDC

The National Coordinator of VDC, Mr. Basil Ahiable, said even though the association started in the Ashanti region, it is now a National Caucus and the executives are focusing on bringing the large numbers of Voltarians living in Greater Accra, Ashanti, Eastern and few other regions together for the purpose of encouraging them to vote massively during the 2024 general elections.

He emphasised that the Caucus is not an election machine, but for skills training to elevate members from poverty and added that “there are a lot of programmes to start up our people and help them out of poverty”.

Prof. Bernard Lawson, who chaired the function, remarked that the VDC can only make an impact if all the people of Volta descend come together as people of stock and with a common destiny.

He appealed to members to go all out and educate their folks on the need to go out and cast their votes on Election Day.

From Thomas Agbenyegah Adzey, Kumasi


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