Tsingtao: Video shows Chinese beer worker urinating into tank

Chinese authorities are investigating after a viral video appeared to show a worker from Tsingtao urinating into a tank, believed to contain ingredients for its popular beer.

The clip has received tens of millions of views on social media.

The company said it alerted police immediately after the video came to its attention, adding that the batch of ingredients had been sealed.

Tsingtao is one of China’s top beer producers and its biggest exporter.

In the clip which appeared online on Thursday, a worker, dressed in uniform with a helmet on, can be seen climbing over a high wall and into the container before urinating inside it.

The location tag of the clip reads “Tsingtao beer No.3 factory”, local news outlet The Paper reported on Friday.

Business outlet “National Business Daily” later cited an internal source as saying both the person who took the video and the person appearing in it were not direct employees of the company.

In a statement published on Friday, the bureau of market supervision and administration of Pingdu City, where the factory is located, said they immediately set up a team and conducted an on-site investigation after spotting the video, and sealed the whole batch of ingredients that appeared in the clip.

It also added that the bureau would deal with the matter seriously once details are confirmed.

Source: bbc.com


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