Tontokrom-Asanko Gold Impasse Will Be Solved-Duker

The government is committed to resolving the impasse between the chiefs and elders of Tontokrom and the Asanko Gold Ghana, the Deputy Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, in charge of Mines, George Mireku Duker has assured.

On Wednesday, August 21, 2024, the deputy minister embarked on a working visit to the area to have face-to-face interactions with the company and community leaders, following a series of meetings held at the Ministry.

The stand-off between the community, located in the Amansie South District and the company, over the exploitation of gold resources in the area is well documented, with one person losing his life this year, following clashes between irate youth of the community and security personnel on duty at the company.

The minister’s move was part of efforts to bring finality to the protracted matter impeding the success of the company and crippling development in the township.

Minister Duker first made a stop at the office of Asanko Gold Ghana Company, where he acquainted himself with issues from the company’s perspective and proposed some steps the company must take to improve their relationship with the community.

The Deputy Minister re-emphasized the need for a harmonious relationship between the company and the community, stating that unity is the principal ingredient for mutual success for both the company and the community.

The Deputy Minister, George Mireku Duker speaking

Responding to a request by the company for an immediate resolution of the deadlock, he stated that government, through the Ministry, has been engaging the community to allow the company to operate without conflict and will continue to activate the necessary dialogue and security measures to bring finality to the matter.

He stated that while the community has a responsibility to allow the company to operate in a violence-free environment conducive to their success, it is also imperative that the company be transparent, engaging and accountable to the communities.

He appealed to the company to take steps to build trust with the community by being open and accountable to them and executing life-changing CSR projects in the area.

“It’s very critical and important for companies and the communities around these mining companies to live together because you cannot, in any way, operate in isolation. Therefore, it is very important to wear kid gloves to have a win-win situation.

“Just recently, I was happy the VP alluded to the fact that Goldfields has built a $60 million stadium for the people of Tarkwa.”

They’ve also constructed about a 30-kilometer stretch of road for their mine. In terms of corporate social responsibilities, I will say they are doing their best.

How do they do this? And how have they been able to sit with the people? I think when there is that synergy of also learning from each other, irrespective of what we have, it is also important that we learn in terms of strategy.

“So once the media is here, I will use their medium to appeal to the communities to find a way of peacefully sitting down with the various mining companies. There must be that understanding that you are not just here to take our gold away as they perceive you as a government.

“So, it’s not a matter of just mining and taking the gold as being speculated out there. The perception is that the companies just take our gold and leave, and that is not true. They pay their royalties. All the tax components are paid. And we also commit them to do corporate social responsibilities. And if we give them that peace of mind, they will be able to do these projects to support their communities,” he said.

Dr. Charles Amoah, Executive Vice President of Asanko Gold Ghana, commended the Deputy Minister for the assurance and indicated the willingness of the company to dialogue with the community elders to settle the matter.

He also thanked him for promising to work on the company’s request to have the Bank of Ghana grant them special dispensation for the importation of some equipment that will aid their operations.

MrDuker later visited Tontokrom where he engaged the chiefs and elders at a durbar in the town.

He stated that the Ministry will give strong consideration to the request for a Community Mining Scheme by the residents.


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