Making simple dietary tweaks can help you sleep better, have more energy throughout the day, avoid headaches and boost your overall day-to-day health.
Experts recommend foods such as nuts, salmon, fruits and even just a simple glass of water to ease many common ailments.
Meanwhile, processed foods, sugary treats and drinks, and coffee should be avoided if a person wants to feel their best every day.
Blueberries and water for headaches – but avoid avocado
Frequent headaches can be another issue that plagues a person throughout the school or workday. While using a pain reliever like Advil, Motrin or Tylenol can be a temporary fix, changes to a person’s diet could prevent them from happening as often.
The source of many people’s headaches could simply be dehydration. Even mild dehydration can lead to head pain, and just a few gulps of water can resolve issues in a few minutes.
Some headaches are a response to oxidative stress – when there is an imbalance of reactive oxygen in a person’s blood stream. This can be fixed by eating foods rich in antioxidants. This includes many fruits like blueberries, kiwis and strawberries.
Magnesium can be a great natural headache cure as well. Some doctors even recommend supplements of magnesium for people that deal with frequent migraines. The element can be found in food as well, though.
Almonds are considered to be an excellent source of magnesium, along with beans and leafy green vegetables.
Like fatigue, headaches can be triggered by sugary goods like soda, cookies and cake, or overly processed foods. Deli meats are often highlighted as foods to be avoided to manage migraines because of the curing process the products go through.
While also rich in magnesium, avocados can trigger headaches in many people. An avocado that becomes overripe can often be filled with a chemical called tyramine. The body can sometimes have issue breaking down the substance, triggering migraines in a person.
Bananas that are overripe may also contain high amounts of tyramine.
Stressed out? Don’t hit the booze, have some oysters instead
The magnesium in avocados is not entirely offset by its headache causing chemicals. Magnesium is also excellent stress blocker. It can block neurotransmitters in the brain from getting stimulated, helping a person feel relaxed and at ease.
Adding a bit of olive oil to any food you eat can help manage stress as well. The staple of Mediterranean diets is rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids that boost serotonin levels in the brain.
The chemical carries messages between nerve cells throughout the body. High levels of serotonin have been linked to reduced stress levels, less anxiety and and overall better mood in many people.
Olive oil can be added to many different foods as well, meaning any meal can help block day-to-day stressors. Other foods like salmon and walnuts are considered great sources of fatty acids as well.
Another sea critter may be a valuable stress blocker as well. Some doctors are reportedly using oysters as potential replacement for anti-anxiety medications.
This is because the shellfish are full of vitamin b12, which can also boost brain and nervous system functioning and fight stress, anxiety and depression.
Experts recommend against consuming too much caffeine or sugar to avoid stress throughout the day. Both elevate levels of cortisol, the hormone that causes stress.
They have addictive properties as well, leaving a person overly reliant on either with stressful cravings of they go too long without more.
Frequent alcohol use has been tied to increased cortisol production within the brain as well. It can also be addictive, leaving users frequent cravings if they become dependent on it.