Tepa Nursing College partners TIKVA Africa to build capacity of Staff and students

The Tepa Nursing and Midwifery Training College, in partnership with TIKVA Africa, has embarked on a capacity building programme for staff and members of the Students Representative Council (SRC) towards training excellent health professionals. The objective of the programme is to sustain a culture of professionalism.

Mr. Albert Opoku, Principal of the College, explained that the initiative is in line with the Ministry of Health’s vision to upgrade all nurses and midwives to degree awarding level and specialists.

According to him, the vision of the college is to train and award degree and specialists with the standard set by the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission, hence the need to partner with TIKVA Africa to build the capacity of the staff and the students to enable them to achieve their aim of awarding degrees and specialists programmes.

He said the programme is leadership training for the new SRC executives who have been elected so that they do not face any difficulty in the discharge of their work.

Rev. Bonaventure Williamson, President of TIKVA Africa, also explained that they are into youth development and leadership.

He said Ghana has all the resources but need leaders who would put the resources together for the benefit of the citizens, for which a capacity building programme for the youth in leadership and development, in collaboration with the Tepa Nurses and Midwifery Training College was needed.

Professor Michael Amakyi also observed that in awarding degrees and training specialists, the institution needs adequate classrooms and teaching and learning logistics to be able to effectively run the programmes.

According to him, there is the need to also train and prepare the teachers to understand what they are to teach so as to to ensure their readiness for the task.

He noted that building their capacity would ensure that they acquire the knowledge and skills to improve the performance of the trained nurses and midwives from the institute towards the training of world class health professionals at the Tepa Nurses and Midwifery Training College of excellence.


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