Tension at Tuobodom as NPP, NDC fight over traffic light 

The Paramount Chief of Tuobodom Traditional Area, Nana Agyei KokooTakyifiri Beyeeman I, has cautioned the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) against unnecessary confrontations.

The Chief advised that the agenda of the two main political parties should always be geared towards human resource development.

He was reacting to a recent impasse between the two parties over the commissioning of traffic lights at Tuobodom, the capital of Techiman North in the Bono East Region.

On August 9, 2023, it took the swift intervention of the police, headed by the District Police Commander, Chief Superintendent Gyabeng Manu, to prevent a clash between the supporters of the two parties over the installation and commissioning of the traffic lights at Tuobodom, when the Chief was not in town.

The conflict stemmed from the claim by both parties for initiating the project.

While the District Chief Executive, Everson Addo Donkor, insisted that he started the traffic lights initiative, the NDC Member of Parliament (MP), Elizabeth Ofosu-Adjare, contended that she also played a role in implementing the project.

It was gathered that when MP Ofosu-Adjare visited the constituency to inspect projects, DCE Donkor allegedly tried to block her from the site of the traffic lights, which nearly sparked violence by both politicians.

Tension, however, remains high in Tuobodom between the NPP and NDC supporters as they claim credit for the traffic lights project.

Nana Agyei Kokoo Takyifiri Beyeeman, at a meeting with the media at his palace, condemned the position of the two parties since their actions impeded development.

He said both parties should be development-oriented and work to develop the district and not fight over a project, which would add to the beauty and development of the town. “Fighting over mere commissioning of a traffic lights Project is uncalled for,” and advised that their actions should bring about progress and development.

Nana Agyei Kokoo Takyifiri Beyeeman called for peace and unity for development, and also appealed to the leadership of the NDC and NPP to call the local leaders of the parties to order to avoid unnecessary tension.

The Omanhene also appealed to the youth to be law abiding and support programmes and policies by the government.


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