Tehayon NGOs Network marks world environment day 

The TEHAYON Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) Network in Ghana (TNNG), in collaboration with the Ga West Municipal Assembly has organised the World Environment Day (WED) durbar.

Held at Amasaman in the Greater Accra Region, the maiden event in Ghana was under the theme: ‘Our World, Our Future’.

Apostle John Mensah Dabi speaking at the event

Though the celebration of WED falls on June 5, every year, the 2024 edition was postponed by the TNNG to Friday, June 7, due to the ban on noise making in the Ga State, which was lifted on Thursday, June 6.

However, the event, last Friday coincided with a series of activities marking this year’s Green Ghana Day, under the theme: ‘Growing for the Greener Tomorrow’.


The Director General of the TEHAYON NGOs Network in Ghana, Apostle John Mensah Dabi said in his address that they had gathered to acknowledge the beauty and importance of the planet.

He recognised the urgent need to protect the environment and ensure a sustainable future for all, adding that as leaders, “we have a responsibility to act. We must work together to address the pressing issues of climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss.”

He advocated the adoption of sustainable practices, reducing carbon footprints and preserving natural resources.

However, he said the task transcends leaders, but rather a collective responsibility, requiring the involvement of every individual and community to play a role.

“We must educate ourselves, make conscious choices and demand action from our leaders. We owe it to ourselves, our children and future generations to act now. Let us join hands, share knowledge and work together to create a cleaner, greener and more sustainable world,” he remarked.

On this World Environment Day, he urged the gathering to pledge to reduce plastic use and waste, conserve water and energy, support renewable energy sources, protect natural habitats and wildlife and educate and inspire others to take action.”


In his keynote address, delivered by the Presiding Member of the Municipal Assembly, Daniel Owusu Asumadu, on behalf of the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), Clement Wilkinson noted that the government has committed itself to an aggressive afforestation programme.

The afforestation programme, he indicated, has led to the cultivation of about 320,000 hectares of forest land between 2017 and 2023, under the Ghana Forest Plantation Strategy.

He also mentioned that the issuance of the convention on international trade on endangered species of wild Flora and Fauna permits for the export of rosewood has led to the protection of a large majority of the country’s rosewood, which was near extinction.

He addressed the need for all stakeholders and Ghanaians to protect the environment, making it greener for the current and future generations.


A Principal Agriculture Officer of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA), Mr. Kingsley Agyemang, who represented the Minister, called for an end to practices that contribute to climate change.

He encouraged farmers to take the exercise very seriously by growing trees, especially fruit trees, so that they would also be able to diversify their livelihoods in order to survive.

All the dignitaries later planted various tree seedlings, some of which included coconut, mango, tree life and cashew.


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