Somalians shocked as Mogadishu mayor filmed beating partygoers

The mayor of Mogadishu is taking no prisoners when it comes to his recent crackdown on drugs in the Somali capital – literally.

Instead Yusuf Hussein Jimale has taken to the whip – as evidenced by a video in which he is seen lashing a group of young men and women.

They flinch away as he hits them with a long stick, accused of smoking cannabis, shisha – the sweet-smelling herbal tobacco – and drinking alcohol in a nightclub on the city’s famous Lido beach.

Mogadishu, one of the most dangerous cities in the world with daily dangers of attacks by Islamist militants, is now facing increasing problems with organised gangs.

The authorities believe this is leading to substance abuse – especially among young people – which is why the mayor has set his sights on tackling the problem.

For months there have been raids on restaurants and entertainment venues.

This week the mayor, known more widely by his nickname “Madale”, meaning “energetic”, banned all traders in the city from selling tobacco and shisha – as well as substances already outlawed in the Muslim country like alcohol.

Madale has defended his stance – and his use of the lash, saying young people need to be disciplined, and a stick is better than a gun.



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