Social Movement, She Leads call for prioritisation of menstrual health, rights

Members of ‘Social Movement’, a young women advocacy group of Defence for Children International (DCI-GHANA) and the She Leads project, are calling on the government to prioritise menstrual health and rights, so that every person who menstruates can feel empowered to manage their period with confidence and dignity.

Section of the participants

The group maintained that, “menstruation is a natural biological process, yet it has been shrouded in secrecy, shame and misinformation. In many cultures, menstruating individuals face discrimination, exclusion and even violence”, a practice which is unacceptable.

Ms. Racheal Mpere, member of the movement, said in a keynote address in Kumasi to climax activities commemorating the 2024 World Menstrual Hygiene Day that achieving a “period friendly world” collectively behoves on governments, businesses and individuals to prioritise menstrual health and rights, and create inclusive policies and challenge societal norms.

The programme was by Defence for Children International (DCI-GHANA), an NGO, under the She Leads project.

Ms. Mpere explained that the campaign is to raise awareness about menstruation and dispel the myths and misconceptions that perpetuate stigma and to lobby for policies and legislation that protect the rights of menstruating individuals.

There were also intergenerational dialogue with female leaders on leadership and young female leaders in tertiary institutions on Girls and Young Women (GYW) representation and inclusion in decision making as well as advocacy messages and a call to action by GYW and Social Movement on issues affecting young women.

Ms. Edusei Yaa Kpodo, of the Presbyterian University, who is also the She Leads United Nations Advocate and Ms. Hama Zulienatu, First Female SRC President elect of Kessben University, admonished the GYW to be “determined, focused and disciplined” if they aspire to occupy leadership positions in society.

From Thomas Agbenyegah Adzey, Kumasi 


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