Simpa hosts ECOWAS Parliament again

The Parliament of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has confirmed Winneba, in the Central Region of Ghana, as venue for its delocalised joint committee meeting from July 29 to August 2, 2024.

This would be the fourth time since 2021, that the town of Winneba would be hosting the august Parliament of the West African sub region.

The July 29 to August 3 delocalised meeting, scheduled for Winneba, is for the ECOWAS Parliament’s Joint Committee on Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources, Energy and Mines and Infrastructure.

Special Guest of Honour at the Opening Ceremony on July 29, 2024 will be the Rt. Hon. Alban S.K. Bagbin, Speaker of Ghana’s Parliament.

The main theme of the meeting is “Plastic Waste Management: Challenges and Prospects in implementing Community Policies”.

The main objective of the meeting is to inform Members and sensitise them on the strategies and mechanisms developed by ECOWAS for the environmentally sound management of plastic waste in the West African region.

Consequently, the meeting is expected to make recommendations to the ECOWAS Commission on how to improve legislations within the community, to ensure coordinated implementation of environmental management policies and integrated management plans for chemicals and hazardous waste.

The delocalised meetings of the Committees are always organised in the Member States to enhance the visibility of the ECOWAS Parliament and its activities and to also discuss issues and programmes that relates to the development and integration process of ECOWAS.

ECOWAS Parliament normally meets in the capital cities of the host countries, but Winneba has changed that narrative.

Alexander Afenyo-Markin, the third Deputy Speaker of the ECOWAS Parliament and MP for Effutu Constituency, of which the capital is Winneba, has assured his colleague Members of the best of hospitality

“The Committee Chairs and Members of these two Committees have graciously agreed to come to Winneba and as the Member of Parliament for the Constituency, I say a very big thank you to you for the honour done us and also to assure you that Winneba would be happy to see you and be rest assured that every arrangement would be in place for us to have a good deliberation”. Afenyo-Markin noted.


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