Regional Collaboration Can Effectively Counter Security Threats In Africa-Prez Akufo-Addo

A group photograph of dignitaries

The President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, has called for a regional approach to deal with the increased security challenges that have beset Africa.

President Akufo-Addo inspecting the guard of honour mounted for him

The President highlighted the interconnected nature of security threats on the continent, ranging from terrorism and organized crime to cybersecurity and climate-induced risks.

“The security landscape in Africa is characterized by a variety of threats that are interconnected and often transcend national borders,” he said.

A device to communicate from deep ocean to space

The President continued, “Given the transnational nature of these threats, no single African country can address them alone. It is only through regional cooperation and collaboration that we can effectively counter these challenges.”

He was speaking at the opening ceremony of the Second International Defence Exhibition and Conference 2024 held at the headquarters of the Ghana Armed Forces on Wednesday, 28 August, 2024.

The conference brought together defense and security experts from Africa and dwelled on the need for better regional mechanisms to engage contemporary security threats.

Offshore PTL Vessel on display

Despite recent advancements in economic development and political stability, Africa still faces a multitude of complex security concerns, including terrorism, transnational organized crime, maritime piracy, cybersecurity threats, and the effects of climate change on human security.

President Akufo-Addo addressing the conference

In his address, President Akufo-Addo enumerated these challenges, warning of the substantial risks they pose to the sovereignty, progress, and welfare of African nations.

He specifically highlighted the rising threat of terrorism and violent extremism pervasive throughout various African regions, mentioning groups like Boko Haram, Al-Shabaab, and ISIS-affiliated factions such as JNIM.

These organizations, as the President noted, take advantage of political turmoil, economic hardship, and social grievances to recruit individuals, radicalize populations, and launch attacks.

“These groups are evolving, increasingly employing both conventional and unconventional strategies, including cyber warfare, to fulfill their agendas,” he cautioned.

The exhibition ongoing

Furthermore, President Akufo-Addo addressed the issue of transnational organized crime, which encompasses illegal activities such as drug and human trafficking, arms smuggling, and wildlife poaching. He underscored how these criminal enterprises destabilize economies and catalyze corruption, complicating the effective functioning of legitimate governance systems.

The President also brought attention to the need for bolstered maritime security, particularly in the Gulf of Guinea, a region notorious for piracy.

He commended recent initiatives by the Nigerian and Ghanaian Navies that have substantially curtailed pirate activities in the area.

“The Gulf of Guinea has emerged as a global piracy hotspot, where criminal factions target commercial vessels and hold crew members ransom. Fortunately, recent decisive actions by the Nigerian and Ghanaian Navies have significantly diminished the pirates’ operations,” he remarked.

In discussing cybersecurity as a rising threat, President Akufo-Addo called for the creation of national cybersecurity strategies and the formation of cyber incident response teams.

He emphasized the critical role of public-private partnerships in strengthening cyber defense capabilities and advocated for increased awareness and education to safeguard against cyber threats.

The opening ceremony of the conference ongoing

In his final remarks, President Akufo-Addo urged for enhanced international collaboration and support to bolster Africa’s endeavors in improving regional security mechanisms.

He affirmed, “While the primary responsibility for Africa’s security lies with African nations, we must recognize the significance of international cooperation. Our global partners have a key role in supporting our initiatives to strengthen regional security frameworks.”


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