Prof Rita Akosua Dickson Gets Second Term as KNUST VC

The Vice Chancellor (VC) of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Prof Rita Akosua Dickson, has secured a second term, following her initial appointment four years ago.

The Office of the Institution’s Registrar announced the decision taken by the University Council in a communiqué on Thursday, June 20, 2024.

Prof. Rita Akosua Dickson – Tenure renewed as VC

She will now lead the university in the delivery of quality education for the next two years, with her appointment expiring on July 31, 2026.

“It is announced for the information of Members of Staff, Students, the entire University Community and the General Public that the Council of the University at its 22nd (Regular) Meeting held on Thursday, June 20, 2024 approved the recommendations of the Committee set up by the Council to evaluate the application for renewal of appointment of the Vice-Chancellor for a second term of two (2) years.”

The initial appointment of Prof Dickson was due to expire July 31, 2024, however, the renewed appointment takes effect on August 1, 2024.

Mrs. Dickson is a Professor of Pharmacognosy and served as the Pro Vice-Chancellor of the University, before making history as the first female VC.

She is also an alumna of the KNUST, based in Kumasi, in the Ashanti Region.


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