Plot for 30 simultaneous explosions in Tehran foiled, Iran says

Iran says it has thwarted 30 explosions that were planned to go off simultaneously in the bustling capital, Tehran, to create chaos.

The 30 “terrorist explosions” were meant to go off in crowded city centres, but all were prevented and 28 individuals were arrested in connection with the planned attacks during raids in Tehran, Alborz and West Azerbaijan provinces, according to a statement by the Ministry of Intelligence carried by state media on Sunday.

“The explosions were planned with the aim of breaking the country’s security authority, creating an unstable image of the country, sowing despair and fear in the society, and instigating chaos and protests exactly during the anniversary of last year’s riots,” it said.

That was a reference to months-long protests and unrest across Iran, which began in mid-September 2022 after 22-year-old Mahsa Amini died in police custody following her arrest for alleged non-compliance with Iran’s dress code.

The Intelligence Ministry said the unnamed arrested individuals were all linked with ISIL (ISIS).

Large quantities of explosives, electronic devices to detonate them, 17 US-made pistols and corresponding ammunition, communication devices, military-grade clothing, suicide vests and foreign currencies were confiscated, the ministry said, adding that two of its agents were wounded during the raids.



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