Peace Council boss preaches peace

The Eastern Regional chairman of the Peace Council, Professor Mark Owusu Boadu has called on Ghanaians particularly the youth not to allow themselves to be used to create confusion in the country during this year’s elections.

According to Professor Boadu, who doubles as the Dean of Graduate School at the All-Nations University (ANU), a Koforidua based private university, it would be imperative for Ghanaians to religiously and jealously guide the peace the county is enjoying.

“Let this year’s political campaign and election be conducted in an atmosphere that defines Ghanaians as common people with the same goal,” he said.

This, according to him, would not only bring peace and understanding, but the laying of a foundation for socio-economic development of the country.

He was speaking at the United Nations International Women’s Day for Peace celebration, which was held here at Suhum in the Eastern Region.

The Eastern Regional chairman for Peace Council further advised politicians not to be carried away by the huge crowd that greet their campaigns, but rather be modest in their choice of words on their various campaign platforms.

The Deputy Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Middle Belt Development Authority, Mrs. Joyce Opoku Boateng, commended women for their various roles in ensuring peace and security over the past years in the country.

According to her, women have important roles in ensuring that Ghana conducted free and fair elections in the upcoming December elections.

Speaking on behalf of the Chief of Staff, Frema Opare, the Middle Belt Development Authority deputy CEO was surprised that efforts of women in nation building have been overlooked and, therefore, called for inclusion of women in national issues.

The MCE for Suhum Municipality, Margaret Darko encouraged young adults and other women at all levels to push themselves and take up leadership roles.


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