Obuasi observes World Menstrual Hygiene Day with a grand durbar

A grand durbar to commemorate World Menstrual Hygiene Day has been held at the Independence School Park at Brahabebome, in the Obuasi East District of Ashanti region.

In attendance were final year students from all the Junior High Schools in the district, female students from Christ the King SHS and Queen mothers, among other Women Groups.

Mrs. Nana Yaa Kyei with some of the girls displaying their sanitary pads

Speaking on behalf of the Community Relations Manager of AngloGold Ashanti Obuasi Mine, Mrs. Mavis Nana Yaa Kyei, Social Development and Gender Superintendent of the company noted that although menstrual hygiene campaigns have made significant progress over the years, there are still many more women and girls facing several difficulties in managing their periods because they lack access to menstrual products and adequate facilities for menstrual health.

She thanked GIZ, the Ghana Health Service, Nananom and other partners for supporting AngloGold for the last three years in celebrating the day.

“Let us pledge to continue these efforts and work together towards creating a world where menstruation is not a barrier to education, health or dignity.

“Let us educate, empower and advocate for menstrual hygiene rights for all individuals so that every person can fully participate in society without fear or shame,” she added.

A Senior Medical Officer at the AGA Health Foundation, Dr. Bernadette Osei Kuffour, on her part, took the girls through menstrual cycle education.

She encouraged them to constantly contact the Girl Child Cordinators in their various schools for advice and counselling on their menstrual issues.

The Ashanti Regional Girl Child Coordinator, Madam Hanna Amponsah, said her outfit was going to embark on series of sensitisation programmes in all the schools, starting from the SHS to the basic level for the girls to know that menstrual hygiene is not only the distribution of sanitary pads but involves education and sensitisation.

The Obuasi East District Director of Education, Mr. Kwabena Owusu Nketiah, said menstruation is a normal thing that happens in the life of any girl as she attains maturity in life and charged student girls not to use menstruation as an excuse to stay away from classes.

The highlight of the Programme was the distribution of sanitary pads to all the girls invited to the occasion and the launch of Information and Learning Material on Menstrual Health and Hygiene.

From Frederick Danso Abeam, Obuasi


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