NUGS reiterates call on EC to set up centres on campuses

The National Union Ghana Students (NUGS) has made a passionate appeal to the Electoral Commission (EC) to consider reducing the plight of students by establishing voter transfer centres on university campuses.

According to the union, the current arrangement whereby students have to travel long distances to have the vote transferred at few and overcrowded voter transfer centres would hamper their chances of participating in this year’s general elections.

In a statement dated June 10, 2024 and signed by Daniel Oppong Kyerematen, National President of NUGS, he indicated that not only will the long distance travels to the voter transfer centres have a negative impact on their finances, but their studies as well.

Mr Kyerematen stated that their earlier petition to the EC was yet to yield any reasonable result.

“Our request stems from a genuine concern for the thousands of students who, while pursuing their educational goals, may find themselves unable to vote in their designated constituencies.

This situation is due to the simple fact that many students study far from their hometowns and places of residence.

“It is imperative that these students, who are contributing to the development of our nation through their education, are not neglected in a major decision-making exercise that shapes the future of Ghana,” he lamented.

He added that their petition is firmly rooted in the legal and constitutional framework of Ghana, where the Electoral Commission is mandated to regulate the registration of voters, including provisions for voting by proxy and the issue of identity cards.

Furthermore, Article 42 of the 1992 Constitution guarantees every citizen of Ghana, aged eighteen and above, the right to vote. Article 45 and Article 46 of the Constitution empower the Electoral Commission to make regulations for the transfer of votes, ensuring that no citizen is disenfranchised.

“In light of these challenges and legal provisions, we earnestly appeal to the Electoral Commission to establish voter registration centres on university campuses.

“This action will protect the guaranteed right to vote for students and ensure their active participation in the democratic process.

“By setting up these centres, the Electoral Commission will not only ease the logistical and financial burdens on students but also uphold the principles of inclusivity and fairness that underpin our democracy,” he stressed.

According to him, NUGS was committed to advocating for the rights and welfare of students and also hold the view that every student should have the opportunity to exercise their constitutional right to vote without undue hardship.


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