Nigeria commits to ending pediatric HIV infection

As Nigeria faces urgent challenge in ending Mother-to-Child HIV transmission, the Federal government has taken a decisive step in the fight against HIV & AIDS by inaugurating a Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) and Paediatric HIV Scale-Up Acceleration Plan Committee at the national level.

The move comes amid disturbing statistics revealing that an estimated 170,000 children under 14 are living with HIV in Nigeria.

The Minister of State for Health and Social Welfare, Dr Tunji Alausa who inaugurated the committee at the National Agency for the Control of AIDS, NACA, headquarters in Abuja, said in line with global best practices, the multi- sectoral committee, comprising technocrats and bureaucrats, was inaugurated to ensure delivery on the mandate, tracking implementation along the federal four pillars of plan.

Alausa stated that the federal government is committed to ensuring that no child is born HIV positive and that those who are positive receive quality care, saying government will  unlock value chains by collaborating with those willing †o commence domestic production of HIV commodities, ensuring health security.

“Through the National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NAC A) and the National AIDS and STIs Control Programme (NASCP), we will provide effective governance for this programme. Working with all our partners and other departments within the ministry, we will faciIitate efficient, equitable, and quality healthcare for our children.

“This will ensure that no child is born HIV positive and that those who are positive receive quality care. We will also unlock value chains by collaborating with those willing to commence domestic production of HIV commodities, ensuring health security for our children.”





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