Nat’l Security Arrests 3 for Trading Unwholesome Fish

The Eastern Regional operation team of the National Security has warned the general public against quantities of unwholesome fish destined for the Okubeye disposal site at Nsawam, which have made their way onto the open market.

Pieces of information gathered from the corridors of the Eastern Regional National Security office confirmed to The Chronicle that three suspects, made up of two women and an excavator operator, have been arrested and sent to Nsawam Police station for further investigation.

some of the unwholesome fish well fried for the market

According to the information, the regional operational team of the national security picked up intelligence report of the activities of the suspects, whose names have been withheld, as they are assisting the security agency to uncover an alleged syndicate of the cruel activities.



The Chronicle gathered that there are collaborators, made up of security personnel of waste disposal companies, market women and fish mongers within Nsawam and its environs, where the latter are informed anytime unwholesome products are about to be disposed of.

The market women and fishmongers go to the disposal site and collect the products, which are not properly disposed of, at the blind eyes of the institutions mandated to have oversight responsibilities.

Responding to the situation in an interview with the paper, Mr. Joseph Krampah, the Nsawam-Adoagyri Municipal Assembly Environmental Health Director hinted that his office is working with the national security and other sister securities to press punitive measures against the actors.

According to him, he was informed that the suspects collected some of the unwholesome fishes for consumption at home, but later decided to sell them, which were later fried and smoked to innocent consumers.

One of the suspects of the unwholesome fish

The Nsawam-Adoagyri Municipal Assembly Environmental Health Director allayed the fears of the public that the unwholesome fishes have been retrieved from the actors but many residents in the area raised serious concerns.

He continued that despite the fact that food is indispensable to life, it also holds tragic consequences for all living things, including humans. Hence the public should be mindful of how and where to buy food products.


Residents in the area have called on the government to employ, train and equip the various institutions to monitor the various frontiers to check the influx of unwholesome products into the country.

According to them, the institutions mandated for the oversight responsibilities should be empowered in order to continue to be vigilant to protect the health of consumers through a strong market surveillance to ensure that products on the market are wholesome and meet quality standards.


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