Nana Egya Kwamina plants trees to begin celebration of 15 years on the stool

The Divisional Chief of Apremdo Traditional Area, Nana Egya Kwamina XI, together with the Member of Parliament (MP) for Kwesimintsim, Dr. Prince Armah, and other divisional chiefs, has planted a tree to commence the celebration of his fifteen years anniversary on the stool.

Nana Eziaku IV, acting President of the Ahanta Traditional Council, Nana Nzafram, Divisional Chief of Himann, Nana Egya Butia, Chief of Butre, Nana Ngya Toku IV, Chief of Damte, Nana Deele, Chief of Aloukboke in Nzema, Ebusuapayin Kofi Patrick, and Lieutenant Colonel Bondah joined the Chief in the tree planting exercise.

Nana embarked on the exercise on Monday 12th June 2023 to commemorate the celebration of his 15th Anniversary as the Chief of the Apremdo Traditional Area.

Also in attendance were the Crime Officer for the Municipal Kwesimintsim Division of the Police Service, the Municipal Health Director, Madam Joyce Bergina Sunderland, the Municipal Education Director, Corp Nation Foundation, Municipal Director of the National Youth Authority, Dr. Andzie Mensah of Effmans’ Clinic who present planted a tree each to mark the celebration.

Nana Egya Kwamina XI, known in private life as William Kwesi Eghan, was enstooled on 12th June 2008 as Chief of Apremdo by the Ebiradze Royal Family when he was then a student at the Takoradi Technical University (TTU).

Over the fifteen years period, Nana Egya Kwamina has worked to bring development to his traditional area. For instance, he gave out land for the construction of a health clinic, which saw the leadership of the Municipal Assembly support the vision.

Nana also gave out land for the Municipal office complex, which is still under construction. Nana has also given out land for the construction of an ultra-modern Municipal Court situated in Apremdo.

That apart, Nana Egya Kwamina has managed to secure a permanent office complex for the Ghana National Fire Service, the Ambulance Service, and currently the Ghana Police Service.

Even though Apremdo is not the municipal capital, but it is gradually becoming the unofficial administrative capital of the Municipal Assembly through Nana’s able leadership.

Not only that, through a series of lobbying, Nana has managed to get an ultra modern Montessori complex for the community through the Member of Parliament for Effia Kwesimintsim, which is also almost 80 percent complete.

This project, when completed, will pave way to move the kids from the old wooden structure, which was built some 50 years ago and is now a dead trap.

Another mind-blowing achievement is the construction of an ultra-modern Community Centre, which Nana is currently embarking upon. This edifice will be the hub for events such as wedding receptions, funerals, church activities and many more.

The facility will have a library on the ground floor, a computer room, and about 16 capacity guest rooms, an office each for the assembly members of the community and an office for the Chief’s Secretary where all administrative works will be channeled to.

Again, Nana managed to lobby for the betterment of Apremdo’s inner roads. He made this plea to the Regional Minister during the durbar of the 2022 Kundum Festival celebration.

In fact, this reporter can state that the roads in the community were in a very deplorable state, but are much better now.

When it comes to education, Nana Egya Kwamina XI, over the past years, has contributed to the lives of needy but brilliant students immensely. With the help of his education fund, Nana Egya Kwamina XI Foundation, he has supported some needy students to attain higher education.

When it comes to sanitation, Nana has allocated a plot of land to the Assembly to serve as a waste dump site.

Nana Egya Kwamina is currently aspiring for a Senor High School with the intent to promote education, most especially for the girl child.

When all these are achieved, Nana intends to build a befitting Palace for himself and the community.


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