Mr Logic allegedly defraud US citizen off US$21,000

Ghanaian musician, Christopher Nelson, known in public life as Mr Logic, has been dragged before that Dansoman Circuit Court for allegedly defrauding an American citizen and his family off US$21,000.00 and GH¢48,000.08 under the pretence of securing them resident permit.

Mr Logic has pleaded not guilty to the charge of defrauding by false pretence and had been granted bail in the sum of GH¢400,000 with three sureties, two of whom should be public servants earning not less than GH¢2,000 and live in the jurisdiction of the court.

The Dansoman Circuit Court, presided over by Her Honour Halimah El-Alawa Abdul Baasit, further ordered that the one of the sureties is justified by title deeds while the accused should also deposit his passport at the Registry of the court and report once every week to the police, until otherwise stated.

The prosecution on the other hand was also ordered to file all disclosures and witness statements for commencement of Case Conference Management (CMC) by July 24, 2024.


The brief facts, as narrated by the police prosecuting officer, Chief Inspector Christopher Wonder, was that Khori Edward Lewis, an American citizen and a Musician, is the complainant in the matter before the court.

He said both the complainant and the accused, who also is a musician, all live at Pantang in Accra.

According to the prosecution, during the month of May 2023, the complainant and his family visited Ghana and were introduced to the accused by one Monica Spence who claimed to be under Mr. Logic’s Music Management.

The accused in the course of conversation intimated to the complainant that, he could get resident permit issued to him to be able to live and work in Ghana but at a fee.

The complainant became interested and the accused then took advantage, demanded and collected cash, the sum of US$21,000.00 under the pretext of securing resident permit for the complainant and his family in Ghana.

The accused again collected an amount of GH¢48,000.08 from the complainant for taxes payable to the Government.

Upon the complainant’s own investigation, it was discovered that the transactions were not legitimate and the funds charged by the accused were not authourised. On May 11, 2024 the complainant reported the case to the Police and Mr. Logic was invited severally on his cell phone number 02458567… to avail himself to assist investigations, but failed.

The court was told that investigation extended to Ghana Immigration Service indicates that the cost of Resident Permit is USS1,000.08 per person. The accused summons were prepared and served on him to appear before the Honourable Court.


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