MP Affo-Toffey provides potable water for 7 communities

There was joy in seven communities in the Jomoro constituency over the weekend, when they were connected to a borehole constructed by the Member of Parliament, Dorcas Affo-Toffey.

The seven communities are Kwabre, Sowadadwen, Anwiafutu, Navrongo, Cocoa Town, Gruma Community and Sosuazo-Nuba.

The water project would also serve adjoining communities as well.

The residents were full of joy, following the commissioning of the project and their MP for her support. The stream serving the communities has been polluted by illegal miners.

As a result, the residents were trekking long kilometers before they could have access to drinking water. But following the commissioning of the water project by the Legislator, they believe the MP has turned their life around.

“For now, we can also drink potable water after drinking the polluted one for a long time”, the residents said.

MP Dorcas Affo-Toffey, who commissioned the water project, underscored the importance of having access to good drinking water.

She told her people that though she was not in government, she would continue to offer support to them.


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