Molex Foundation Africa receives grant from Henry Luce

Molex Foundation Africa has received a five-year sponsorship grant from the Henry Luce Foundation in the USA towards its commitment to supporting young girls in STEM Education.

The grant, worth $110.000 would propel Molex Foundation Africa to positively impact and transform the lives of young girls through life coaching, career guidance, mentoring and advocacy.

In a statement, Molex Foundation Africa acknowledged that Henry Luce Foundation has been a longstanding advocate for girls and women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

According to Molex, Henry Luce Foundation’s commitment to community development aligned seamlessly with Molex’s dedication to Supporting Heroines in STEM Education and Research Opportunities known as SHEROES in STEM.

“We are deeply grateful for the generous financial support from the Henry Luce Foundation as this partnership exemplifies our shared commitment to bridging the gender gap in STEM fields”. Molex further indicated.

“We extend our sincere thanks to Henry Luce Foundation for their belief in our vision and their generous support. This collaboration exemplifies the power of partnerships in driving positive change”.

The generous grant, the foundation said “will enable us to enhance our impact, reach a wider audience, and bring about positive change in Ghana”.

Girls-in-STEM initiative has been set to redress the imbalance in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and unlock the untapped potential of young girls in Ghana.

The project acknowledged that education was the cornerstone of empowerment hence, Molex’s commitment to providing girls in remote areas and less endowed schools with access to quality STEM education.


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