Minister canvasses stakeholders’ support to promote sustainable environment

Minister of State for Environment, Dr Iziaq Salako, has underscored the importance of collective commitment to promoting a sustainable environment in Nigeria.

He emphasized that the Federal Government needs robust support from stakeholders to effectively address the challenges posed by climate change.

While speaking at the 60th-anniversary celebration of the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations held on Saturday at the Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, Abeokuta, where the Ogun State Chapter of NIPR unveiled its Diamond Anniversary Green Park, he stressed the need for concerted efforts to reduce carbon footprint in the country and improve the health of its ecosystem.

The minister was represented by the Director-General and Chief Executive Officer of the Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Professor Zacharia Yaduma, at the event, which featured the planting of 60 economic trees.

It was preceded by a colourful street walk themed, ‘Walking for Economic Transformation’, within the Abeokuta metropolis.

The minister donated 1,000 tree seedlings to support the tree-planting campaign of Ogun NIPR.

Salako said it is possible to create a new Nigeria that not only thrives today but also flourishes for the coming generations.

“As we reflect on our journey as a nation, we are reminded of the vital importance of sustainable development. Greener Nigeria is not just a slogan; it is a call to action. It urges us to embrace practices that promote environmental stewardship, to innovate in ways that reduce our carbon footprint, and to invest in the health of our ecosystems.

“Today, as we celebrate this Diamond Anniversary, let us renew our pledge to protect and enhance our natural heritage. Let us work together to ensure that our forests remain lush, our rivers flow clean, our gutters waste-free and our air stays pure.

“Let us support initiatives that drive green energy, sustainable agriculture and conservation efforts across our beloved nation,” he said.



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