Minerals Commission Inaugurates New Office At Bibiani

Mr Samuel A. Jinapor, the Minister for Lands and Natural Resources, has commissioned an ultra-modern office, stuffed with the latest technology at Bibiani, in the Western North Region, to oversee mining activities in the area.

Mr Samuel Jinapor addressing the gathering

The newly-constructed office forms part of the government’s commitment to decentralise
operations of the Minerals Commission. Speaking at the commissioning ceremony, which was attended by chiefs and staff of the Minerals Commission, Minister Jinapor said the
magnificent building would ensure the efficient regulation of mining activities in the Western North Region.

He outlined specific features of the new office that makes an ideal hub for mining related
activities in the area and charged the staff of the commission in the area, to live up to the set expectations of the commission.

“Despite the importance of this Office to the mining industry, it has been accommodated in a very small rented chamber and hall office space for more than thirty (30) years. This, obviously, impeded the recruitment of new staff to augment the work of the office.

The inadequacy of the Office became even more apparent following the internal restructuring of the Minerals Commission, which necessitated increasing services at the Regional and District Offices, such as cartography, survey, community relations and environmental
protection among others.

Minister Jinapor being assisted by the paramount chief to officially commission the building

“With three (3) large scale mining operations within this Municipality at Awaso, Bibiani and
Chirano, it became necessary to secure a more conducive working space for the Commission to effectively regulate mining operations in this area, and to provide the full spectrum of mining related monitoring services, not just for small scale mining, but also, large scale mining operations and ensure the successful implementation of the minerals diversification policy through the promotion of economic and industrial minerals.

“With two Satellite Offices at Nkwawie and Juaboso, I have no doubt that this Office will live up to its mandate” he said. Jinapor used the opportunity to reiterate government’s zero tolerance for illegal small scale mining, noting that the government has made commitments to rid the mining space of any illegality, particularly mining activities that happen close to forest reserves and river bodies.

“I want to use this opportunity to reaffirm Government’s unflinching commitment to the fight against this canker, which, undoubtedly, threatens our very existence.

The plaque

“This commitment, we have demonstrated through several initiatives such as the declaration of water bodies as Red Zones for mining, the suspension of reconnaissance,
prospecting, and/or exploration in Forest Reserves, except in exceptional circumstances,
the introduction of Operation Halt II, with the mandate to decommission equipment used in illegal mining, the ban on the manufacture, sale or dealing in changfans, the introduction of mercury- free Gold Katch as, retooling of the Inspectorate Division of the Minerals Commission, introduction of the National Alternative Employment and Livelihood Programme (NAELP) and the training of judges to ensure strict enforcement of the Minerals and Mining Act 2006 (Act 703), as amended by Act 995.

“Despite these measures, some nation-wreckers, motivated by their own selfish interests, continue to destroy our water bodies and Forest Reserves. We are aware that what we are dealing with is money and the cartels involved will always try to find ways of outwitting us.

“But we will not relent on our efforts we will continue to adopt the necessary measures to protect our water bodies, environment and Forest Reserves. We welcome the various concerns that have been raised by several groups of people, as their recommendations for dealing with this matter.

“The President of the Republic has constituted Ad Hoc Ministerial Committee, under the Chairmanship of the Minister for National Security, to engage all stakeholders, and to find a common ground to fight this menace.

Chiefs and ministry officials who attended the ceremony

“Yesterday, the Committee met with Organised Labour, and in the coming days, we will engage with other groups of people to ensure that we come to grips with this matter”, he said. The Chairperson of the Commission, Barbara Oteng-Gyasi, in her remarks noted that the edifice is expected to address service delivery challenges that small-scale miners within the Bibiani-Anhwiaso Bekwai Municipality face as well as facilitating the monitoring and compliance role of the Commission.

Barbara mentioned a number of interventions being made by government through the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources to sanitise and streamline mining operations particularly in the small-scale mining sector which includes Community Mining Scheme and Gold Katch among.

Ogyeahoho Yaw Gyebi, President of the National House of Chiefs commended the government for its effort in addressing illegal small scale mining in the country.

He urged traditional authorities across the country to rise up and help save the country’s mining resources from the harmful activities of illegal miners. The Bibiani Minerals Commission office has become third modernised office unveiled within the last four months.

Works are ongoing for the construction of offices in Kumasi, Tamale and Bole with expectations rife that they will be completed by November 2024.


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