Letter to Senior Opupulepu (168) Commonwealth Hallers in the House of Yahweh and Municipal Police Kiosk

Dear Senior Opupulepu,

How are you do? I hope you are do fine, just as me and my buddy buddies, are all do fine.

Senior, as you are aware the House of Yahweh is supposed to be the House of Peace, Reconciliation and Brotherliness and Sisterliness. A place where lions can play ludo with goat pikin and after that lead her home to her parents.

Senior, it now seems that is not case, as in the case of a certain district assembly of Yesu Christus Emmanuel, called Yesu Christus Guinness Power Calvary Hill District Assembly.

Senior, as you must be aware, once upon a time in Yahweh’s Holy Kingdom, a certain angel who happened to be called Lucy Father, believed he had grown taller in height than Yahweh and he assumed he got sense more than Yahweh Almighty Himself to be able to rule over all that he surveyed, so he decided to relocate his buttocks onto the Holy Throne.And3-over-10 times 1 of the angels supported him.

Senior, Yahweh just called seven small, small angels toask their elder brothers, why they decided to behave and misbehave like so.

Senior, you see whenever a big man gives small post to any non-entity, that non-entity will overdo what he or she has been assigned to do, so that they can be acknowledged and recommended for higher post.

Senior, these small, small angels were led by one who is always found holding Mic, because he likes singing paapa. While holding the mic in one hand and singing, he and his small, small brothers whipped the Living Disco Lights out of their seniors and not only that, they drove them out of Heaven.

Senior, these small, small angels did so because they had eyed the palaces and other properties belonging to their big, big brothers. And before Yahweh called say, “Let there be osono lamp,” again they had taken over all the assets and assets of their exiled senior brothers.

Senior, whether the worshippers at Yesu Christus Guinness Power Calvary Hill District Assembly read that story as their memory verse, I cannot tell. But it came to past that some members decided to enact that incidence in Heaven by expeling seven of their brothers from the district assembly.

Senior, someone said that these seven most good looking male members had taken all the beautiful daughters of Eve in the assembly, leaving only those who look like they are from the transgender department of LGBTQ+.

Senior, this vexed boys-boys well, well, so one fine day during praises and worship, they created panic and fear and started butu butu which resulted into fisticuffs and legicuffs. And this led into a repay of what happened that day in Yahweh’s Kingdom in Heaven.

Senior, this vandalism hardly died down when our Municipal Police also went at each other in the Municipal Kiosk.

Senior, this division of Police who are not under the almighty one who Dammed-the-River-Pra, hardly go to church and cannot even mention any one of the twelve apostles of Yesu Christus Emmanuel.

Senior, when they assembled at the assembly grounds of the Municipal Police Kiosk and what had happened at the Yesu Christus Guinness Power Calvary Hill District Assembly, they assumed that Yahweh had amended the code of worshipping him and so they decided to apply the amended version by fire by force.

Senior, it was like sports in action. While some were engaged in akotoku as in boxing; others engaged in wrestlemania, some engaged in karate and others engaged in kung fu. There were those who found out that they had picked the wrong choice and so with fists clenched they kept taken steps backwards and away from trouble while warning the opponent that if he does, he will receive a beating of his life.

Senior, the result of the fight was astonishing. The Municipal Police who could chew lots like he is chewing, chewing sponge was this time no where to be seen. I was told, and when you decide to tell people note well and quote me well. I was told, he did not tell me, that he said, “if you want to see whether Death is good looking or not, look at someone sleeping” and “if Brother Long, as in snake, bite you before, when you see cooked spaghetti, you will run away.” He remembered how his face was done plastic surgery the other time and vow that with Christmas near he must maintain his fine, fine face to attract the daughters of Eve.

Senior, what was shocking is that the Municipal Police directly in charge of Physical Education, was beaten up into pulp in the game of boxing. And I hear that the sports fraternity are saying they are not understand so they are calling for re-match on a neutral ground.

Senior, if Police officers can be unruly and do the Commonwealth Hall thing some, like this, then what about hoodlums? In fact, I am Dan, sorry, I am Done.

It’s Me.


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