Lands Commission cited for sale of ISD land to private developer

The Lands Commission has been accused of thwarting efforts by the Ministry of Information to transform the Information Services Department into a modern communication unit of the government.

The Commission is said to be selling lands belonging to the Information Services Department to private individuals and thus encouraging encroachment on legally acquired lands.

The Chronicle investigations have revealed that a parcel of land near TV3at Kanda, in Accra, which was earmarked as a duty post for ISD Directors with documentation from the same Lands Commission, as far back as 2002.

But it is evident that the said piece of land has been sold out to a businessman by the Lands Commission just this year, which transaction is allegedly backed with a speedily prepared document dated this year, 2022 and thus leaving the ISDs project in limbo.

The said land, which had a completed outer house as part of the ISD duty post has been pulled down by the “encroacher.”

In May, this year, the attention of the Lands Commission was drawn to developments on the disputed land by the management of the ISD.

The Chronicle sources had indicated that the encroacher had demolished a structure within the said ISD premises and a portion of the fence wall, while a new block wall has been constructed to cut-off part of the ISD land and a new gate installed.

Further investigations at the Nima Divisional Police, where a complaint was lodged by the ISD to ensure that work on the land ceases, disclosed that that the encroachers are claiming the land in dispute has been leased out to them by the office of the Greater Accra Lands Commission, even though the ISD has a certificate of Allocation issued by the Lands Commission as far back as November 2002.

The Police have also indicated that a representative of Blackgold AKVV Investment Limited on May 7, 2022 also lodged a complaint that it mounted a black gate on the said portion of land but the said gate had been removed by unknown persons.

Meanwhile, the Lands Commission has acknowledged the issuance of a Certificate of allocation covering an area of 3.81 acres situated at Kanda, to the ISD.

Mr. Timothy Anyidoho, the Greater Regional Lands Officer also informed the Nima Police, per his letter of July 12, 2022 that at the 61st meeting of the Greater Accra Lands Commission on March 10, 2022 the Commission considered and approved a lease dated April 29, 2022 covering an area of 0.41 acre to the said businessman.

The Regional Lands Officer stating the status of ownership of both sites emphasized that the grant to the businessman “falls within the 3.81acres covered by the Certificate of Allocation to the Information Services Department”.

Both parties have been directed to stay away from the disputed piece of land, while the police investigate the matter, which is still ongoing.


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