Komfo Anokye Hospital sues ex-lawyer over alleged breach of trust, defamation

A Kumasi-based private legal practitioner, Kwame Adofo, Esq. of the Holy Trinity Chambers, has found himself in three legal tussles over alleged breach of trust and defamation.

The legal practitioner is defending a law suit brought against him by his former employer, the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH).

The plaintiff hospital is seeking damages for breach of fiduciary duty and professional ethics.

In a 43-point Statement of Claim, the plaintiff claimed that the defendant served as the main lawyer for the hospital from 2018 to December 2023.

The defendant is said to have written distasteful statements on his Facebook page about some dealings of the hospital. As a result, the hospital is seeking damages for the breach of confidentiality between the parties.

Kwame Adofo, Esq, defendant

KATH is, therefore, seeking an order directed at the defendant to delete all such statements he posted on his Facebook, as a well as a letter of an unqualified apology.

The Plaintiff also wants a perpetual injunction restraining the defendant from revealing any information, which came to his knowledge either directly or indirectly, while acting as solicitor of the hospital.

Lawyer Kwame Adofo has also been hauled before the Disciplinary Committee of the General Legal Council for breach of professional ethics by the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH), his former employer.

Lawyer Adofo is also facing defamation charges preferred against him by the Chief Executive officer of KATH, Prof. Otchere Addai-Mensah.

Professor Otchere Addai-Mensah, the Chief Executive Officer of the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH) has filed a lawsuit against Lawyer Kwame Adofo at the Kumasi High Court, accusing him of defamation and seeking GHc5 million in damages.

In the writ of summons filed on May 27, 2024 Prof. Addai-Mensah alleges that Kwame Adofo’s publications on his Facebook timeline have caused irreparable damage to his reputation and image.

The KATH CEO claims that the defendant’s statements have been defamatory and have caused him significant pain.

Kwame Adofo has made several Facebook posts attacking the integrity of Prof. Addai-Mensah, including claims of financial impropriety.

The KATH CEO is seeking a court declaration that the defendant’s statements are defamatory and an order for the defendant to publish unqualified retractions and apologies in three subsequent editions in a daily newspaper and his Facebook Timeline.

Additionally, Prof. Addai-Mensah is seeking a GHc3 million in general damages and GHc2 million in exemplary damages for the defendant’s malicious conduct.

He also seeks other costs, including legal costs, to be awarded against the defendant.


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