Kojo Oppong Nkrumah to deliver 2024 Busia Institute Lecture

The Minister for Works and Housing, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, is billed to deliver the 2024 Busia Institute lecture, as the keynote Speaker.

Scheduled for Wednesday, July 31, 2024 the event is being hosted by the Busia Institute for Rural and Democratic Development (BIRDD).

The 2024 Busia Lecture, which will take place at the Nicholas Aidoo-Taylor Conference Hall, Takoradi Technical University, Sekondi-Takoradi, in the Western Region, is on the theme: “Housing the Future: Innovative Solutions for Rural Development in Ghana.”

It aims to assemble policymakers, academia, industry stakeholders and rural community leaders to discuss innovative housing solutions for rural development in Ghana.

BIRDD, in a press statement, highlighted the significance of the lecture, saying “the Hon Kojo Oppong Nkrumah will share the government’s vision and initiatives for rural housing development.”

According to the press release, the minister’s address is expected to outline key strategies and policies that the government is implementing to improve housing infrastructure in rural areas, thus fostering sustainable growth and enhancing the quality of life for rural residents.

Following the keynote lecture, the event will include a dialogue session on collaborative approaches to rural housing challenges.

This session aims to foster partnerships and facilitate knowledge sharing among various stakeholders, including government officials, academia, industry experts, and community leaders.

According to BIRDD, the lecture will serve as a platform for “government, academia, and stakeholders to engage in knowledge sharing, best practices, and innovative solutions for rural development and housing, promoting inclusive and sustainable growth.”

In addition to the lecture and dialogue, the event will feature a guided exhibition showcasing innovative housing ideas.

This exhibition is intended to provide attendees with practical examples of housing solutions that can be adapted to benefit rural communities.

A fireside chat will also be part of the programme, offering an interactive forum for participants to delve deeper into the event’s theme.

The Busia Institute Lecture will be opened to a wide audience, including government officials, academia, industry stakeholders, rural community leaders, civil society organisations, private sector representatives, media practitioners, and development partners.

The event is free for the general public, with no prior registration required, making it accessible to all who are interested.


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